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U.S. Politics 2018

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tomahawk6 said:
The libel laws will be tested.

Trump has a habit of shouting "Wolf" and then not following up on it. Besides: Truth is an absolute defence to libel.  ;D

In an effort to be fair I offer this article .

tomahawk6 said:
The libel laws will be tested.

Reminds me of something Oscar Levant said, "Jack Parr ( a TV host ) would occasionally refer to me as a nut.  My wife became annoyed and said she wished he’d stop calling me that.  I told her that I’d hate to have to go to court about it."  :)

tomahawk6 said:
In an effort to be fair I offer this article .


Well, Wolff's no Arthur M Schlesinger Jr. but then Trump's no Roosevelt, Truman or Kennedy either.

I think we're going to have some entertaining weeks ahead of us.  :pop:

FJAG said:
I think we're going to have some entertaining weeks ahead of us.  :pop:

Of course, the big question is what this fluff is distracting us from...  :Tin-Foil-Hat:

FBI Launches Investigation Into Clinton Foundation

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched a new investigation into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in illegal pay-to-play acts or any other illegal activities during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State in the Obama administration.


Jarnhamar said:

The Hill was quoted in that link,



"A senior law enforcement official said Justice was exploring whether any issues from that probe should be re-opened but cautioned the effort was not at the stage of a full investigation .

One challenge for any Clinton-era investigation is that the statute of limitations on most federal felonies is five years and Clinton left office in early 2013."


mariomike said:
. . .

One challenge for any Clinton-era investigation is that the statute of limitations on most federal felonies is five years and Clinton left office in early 2013."
. . .

Which makes little difference if your true intention is simply to throw smoke and mirrors in front of the Russia and other Trump malfeasance investigations.

Finally, something that will bring the Trump presidency to an end. People have tried everything since before Trump was sworn in but now the stake will be driven through his heart.


Wolff said he spoke to Mr Trump after his inauguration and "spent about three hours with the President over the course of the campaign in the White House, so my window into Donald Trump is pretty significant".

He added: "I spoke to people who spoke to the President on a daily, sometimes minute-by-minute basis."
FJAG said:
Downloaded "Fire and Fury" on Friday. https://www.amazon.ca/Fire-Fury-Inside-Trump-White/dp/1250158060

Let the good times roll.  :pop:


Will "the base" read it? Or care?

kkwd said:
Finally, something that will bring the Trump presidency to an end.

Speaking of "the base", they likely will not like this suggestion.

Rather than "bring the Trump presidency to an end", let the vice-president handle the nuclear codes.

Until the president is checked out by a mental health professional. There's no shame in that anymore.

We had a different, but in some ways similar situation in the city where I live.

The mental fitness of our mayor was called into question.

For public safety, his power during a State of Emergency was transferred to the Deputy Mayor.

Other than that, he kept his job as mayor.

Fortunately, unlike the situation in Washington, D.C., public safety "trumped" party politics.

Trump isnt going anywhere. With the economy on fire he is fireproof. The left keeps trying to figure out a way to get rid of Trump with out right lies and a fake dossier that was used to get a FISA warrant to wire tap the Trump campaign and later his transisition team.From documents obtained so far the corruption of the democrat party is being exposed.Eventually it will ensnare Obama himself as the architect of the "resistance".
tomahawk6 said:
Trump isnt going anywhere. With the economy on fire the threat of Mike Pence as President he is fireproof.


Honest question:  If the Dems are exposed for a fake dossier, but the Mueller's investigation does confirm Russian collusion in the election victory, who gets it worse?  I mean, compared to the obvious answer of "the US citizens watching these dumpster fires go on."
tomahawk6 said:
Trump isnt going anywhere.

Why wouldn't the party continue to enable and protect him?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly said, “He will sign anything we put in front of him.”

tomahawk6 said:
Eventually it will ensnare Obama himself as the architect of the "resistance".

Do you have a source for that?


President Trump in an interview that aired Sunday pushed back on the notion that former President Barack Obama is leading the resistance against his administration.

"I don't think he's leading it. He actually just put out a small statement. I don't see that leading it. But other people are leading," Trump told Pete Hegseth on "Fox and Friends."


Speaking of Trump conspiracy theories, the current president is reported as still privately questioning the authenticity of former President Obama’s birth certificate.

In this morning's presidential tantrum he tweeted that his “two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” and "I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

Reminds me of Fredo's famous scene in the Godfather.
“I can handle things. I’m smart! Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!”



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mariomike said:
Reminds me of Fredo's famous scene in the Godfather.
“I can handle things. I’m smart! Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!”

Ha!  I *knew* I heard that somewhere before. 
>Which makes little difference if your true intention is simply to throw smoke and mirrors in front of the Russia and other Trump malfeasance investigations.

Unless the Russia and other Trump malfeasance investigations are - as some believe - just there to throw smoke and mirrors in front of investigations into Hillary and her associates.
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