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Ultimate Disrespect- Matthew Good, Casualties and the Canadian Flag

Trinity said:
Someone should invite him here to debate.

Most likely he'll shy away from the challenge!!!

Why would we invite him here?  He's hardly the sort of person for whom Mike designed Army.ca.  He's an apparently minor league celebrity with a loony-left political agenda; if we 'invite' or 'challenge' him then why not Judy Rebick or Maude Barlow or any of those oxygen thieves?

Leave him be in his own private la-la land.
Flip said:
Right .........

.............We'll attack and conquer him there! ;D

So we don't have to do it here! ;D

I've already started...
Should at least give the moderator of that board something to do by all of us posting there. :D
Ladies and gentlemen remember its his board and he and his numpty friends can post what they want. If your offended then do not go there, same as what we tell people here if you are offended by this site being pro military then don't come back!
Just a fair warning do not drag this site into it!

Army.Ca Staff
Seeing as how I got mentioned by name during this thread, I figured I'd pipe up with my 2 cents.

As as few people already mentioned, Matt Good is entitled to his opinion, and can post pretty much anything he wants. I don't agree with his posting a picture of the Canadian flag upside down, but it is for reasons other than most have posted here. I have known for some time (I am a master of UFI) that an upside down flag is meant as a show of distress (i.e a ship is on fire, it puts up it's flag upside down to get other ship's attention). Flying the flag sideways apparently means a ship is being boarded by pirates (more UFI). My issue is this: what gives him the right to say that the whole nation is in distress. In mourning, yes, over the deaths of 6 soldiers. In distress; I think not. Just because he and his left-leaning cronies (which include some CF members, who, to their credit, make every attempt to "keep it real" by educating the "over-read and under-fed" dorm dwellers about what the CF is about (i.e not the popular culture image of slack-jawed morons with nary a brain, who are happier bayoneting babies than trying to save them)) think that Canada should withdraw our troops (contrary to what has been debated in Parliament) before the 2009 time-frame.

Matt Good is a very smart guy, but he is of the "You are entitled to MY opinion" crowd, and doesn't like it when people rain on his parade. I had it out with him and his moderators some time ago, over some long forgotten issue, and I swore off ever buying another Matt Good product. For someone who relies on capitalism to make a living, he was surprisingly uncaring when I brought up that I would never purchase any more "product" from him, but I guess there are enough people of his ilk around to support his ways. I was so pissed I removed his songs from my MP3 player, and change the radio station when his songs come on. That is a little childish, but every time I hear his music it reminds me of how annoying he is. He is an entertainer. He reads a lot. He has a strong opinion. If you can get past that, and read through some of the nausea (his fawning fans are the worst: they are more brain dead and naive than almost anybody I have ever read, and he strokes their ego and that keeps them coming back for more), you can read some interesting things. You don't have to agree with them, but they make you see where he is coming from. Blind faith and only reading what you want to read is a dangerous game: that's how propagandist's work. Having a dissenting voice is fine. Questioning people's motives (especially the government's) is probably the smartest thing you can do. No doubt it is an evolutionary process that allowed us to get as far as we have.

As for having it out with him on his site, or having him come onto this site: think about it. He attracts like-minded people. Army.ca attracts like-minded people. Going into a church and questioning God's existence isn't wise, nor is going into a Mosque and disparaging Allah. He and his sycophants can agree to agree, and we are free to mock them. You are unlikely to convert any of the naysayers, particularly by becoming over-emotional about issues. Trust me, I know  ;)

I don't know how famous Matt is, but he did graduate from my high school and even filmed one of his video in the school while I was there (Using students as background performers without paying a cent  ::)). This reminds me of a quote from Brad Pitt:

You shouldn’t speak until you know what you’re talking about. That’s why I get uncomfortable with interviews. Reporters ask me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think China should do? I’m a fucking actor!
whiskey601 said:
Seems like Mr. Good feels that the CF and Canada are in distress:


And, someone claiming to be in the air force [442 Sqn Comox] needs an attitude adjustment.

Screenies and link reproduced for fair comment under the copyright act.

Never heard of this plug and I can`t help but wonder why every entertainer of note.......or not,feels they can comment to influence their following on matters they`re not versed on.I`m betting Jack Bin Layton is his number 1 fan.
Allan Luomala said:
Matt Good is a very smart guy, but he is of the "You are entitled to MY opinion" crowd, and doesn't like it when people rain on his parade. I had it out with him and his moderators some time ago, over some long forgotten issue, and I swore off ever buying another Matt Good product. For someone who relies on capitalism to make a living, he was surprisingly uncaring when I brought up that I would never purchase any more "product" from him, but I guess there are enough people of his ilk around to support his ways. I was so pissed I removed his songs from my MP3 player, and change the radio station when his songs come on. That is a little childish, but every time I hear his music it reminds me of how annoying he is. He is an entertainer. He reads a lot. He has a strong opinion. If you can get past that, and read through some of the nausea (his fawning fans are the worst: they are more brain dead and naive than almost anybody I have ever read, and he strokes their ego and that keeps them coming back for more), you can read some interesting things. You don't have to agree with them, but they make you see where he is coming from. Blind faith and only reading what you want to read is a dangerous game: that's how propagandist's work. Having a dissenting voice is fine. Questioning people's motives (especially the government's) is probably the smartest thing you can do. No doubt it is an evolutionary process that allowed us to get as far as we have.

As for having it out with him on his site, or having him come onto this site: think about it. He attracts like-minded people. Army.ca attracts like-minded people. Going into a church and questioning God's existence isn't wise, nor is going into a Mosque and disparaging Allah. He and his sycophants can agree to agree, and we are free to mock them. You are unlikely to convert any of the naysayers, particularly by becoming over-emotional about issues. Trust me, I know  ;)


+1 Allan
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:

It loads slow.

Don't you guys figure we've given this piece of crap enough air time?........Let's move on and stop feed his petty ego.