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Umm, weird order of process


Jr. Member
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Hey, im new.

Got my application in sometime near the beginning of September, and a couple of weeks ago i finished my aptitude test, but here's my question, after the recruiter handed us that passed, the list of jobs we are eligible for, we were sent to make appointments for the interview. Mines on January 26th, but... i have yet to do the physical, or medical.

Did the recruiter simple assume i had already done the physical and medical, or am i suppose to do them the day of the interview? or after. Im really jonzing to leave for the army, since its in my blood and im excited to hell, but, if i still have yet to do the medical and physical, wont that push back my basic even further. should i call and ask if i need to book my phyical and medical, or will they tell me after the interview?

Been reading alot of posts, and i have yet to read of anybody doing their aptitude test, interview, and the rest following that. is quite the weird process to me..
I did my interview, then medical, and then physical. I guess there is no sense in doing anything else if you don't do well in the interview. ;)

i should do well in the interview, ive been looking up the trades i wanna go for, for awhile now, and been looking at this site alot for the knowledge i assume i should know.

all that bugs me is that, i dont want to wait a year to get in.
I waited two, so grab a seat. It is different for every person, but most people are making it in a lot quicker these days. You might wait 3 months, you might wait a lot longer.
Sixshooter said:
Hey, im new.

Got my application in sometime near the beginning of September, and a couple of weeks ago i finished my aptitude test, but here's my question, after the recruiter handed us that passed, the list of jobs we are eligible for, we were sent to make appointments for the interview. Mines on January 26th, but... i have yet to do the physical, or medical.

Did the recruiter simple assume i had already done the physical and medical, or am i suppose to do them the day of the interview? or after. Im really jonzing to leave for the army, since its in my blood and im excited to hell, but, if i still have yet to do the medical and physical, wont that push back my basic even further. should i call and ask if i need to book my phyical and medical, or will they tell me after the interview?

Been reading alot of posts, and i have yet to read of anybody doing their aptitude test, interview, and the rest following that. is quite the weird process to me..

I had my CFAT first, medical next, PT next, interview last.But all the time i was urged to have the interview ASAP. But due to medical reasons im still in the wait 2.5 years now and probably have to do the entire process again.
but does the wait depend on how old you are, or what you're going for, or as you said, medical reasons?

Well I'm 18 and am going into Infantry (although I did qualify for all the tech trades), I had my CFAT back in early September of this year, then I had my Medical, Fitness and Interview (in that order, on the same day) in late september, they said I was a competitive candidate and that my paperwork would be sent to Ottawa for processing and to call them in early December if I haven't heard anything from them since and that I would be Merritt listed once it all came back.
I have no medical problems, and I live in BC (just for some specifics).
Sixshooter said:
but does the wait depend on how old you are, or what you're going for, or as you said, medical reasons?

By medical reasons i meant i was sent a rejection letter for medical reasons, but this was a miscommunication for which i have had to wait such a long time. Basicly if you have to have any letters filled out by your GP from the MO that will slow the process down at the medical review board, but if you dont then thats one place where things will run smoothly, Security Clearance is another one which could take time aswell.

meh with me breaking bones every week (not literally) im up to par with my medical stuff, so that isnt a worry.

security clearance isnt a worry either, so as i said, hopefully it doesnt take long.