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United Nations Military Proposed

Have I ever mentioned my dislike of trolls? No? Just wondering  ::)

Scorpyo... I don't know where to begin buds, but I think Starfleets calling you dude.

As for the UN, nothing relevant's going to happen until there is some serious reform and the Security council has to go the way of the dodo... doubtful in my lifetime. So until that occurs, this is all academic idealism and about as relevant as Star Trek to the day to day of reality.

Now lets all hold hands and sing Kumbyah... (Halleluah he screams and grabs Scorpaknob, holding him tightly... TIGHTLY!!!  >:D )
Want talk? Go to the UN

Want action? Call the Anglosphere or NATO and their friends for an Alliance of the Willing. Easy terms arranged, can be on location within 24 -48 hr (see the response to the Tsunami disaster), includes full logistical support and global C4I infrastructure.

Seriously, looking at some UN responses without a firm guiding hand, we end up with things like the "Sex for Food" scandal in the Congo, where the UN is simply the biggest gang on the block. Putting together a powerful force made up of and under the command of a nations where human rights, the Rule of Law and civilian audit are weak or non existent is simply setting a voracious warlord on the loose with UN approval, and would make "Sex for Food" look like childs play.

People who propose such things without considering the past history, present disorganization or legal and moral vaccum of the United Nations can either be classed as hopelessly naive or if they have considered these factors, having malevolent intentions.
Scorpyo said:
ALbeit  the  Idea  of  a  U N  standing  army  is  a  very  powerfull  and  noble  concept, there  are  several issues  that  must  be  addressed....... This  IDEALISM  could  reach  REALISM  because  we  are  bound  by  HUMANISM!
       May  Providence  bless  all  of  us!

For  any  comments  u  can  contact  me  at        cscorpyo77@hotmail.com


Ahem....well....that was quite something, wasn't it? How refreshingly "out of the box".

May  Providence  bless  all  of  us!

Yes, indeed.....

Scorpyo said:
ALbeit  the  Idea  of  a  U N  standing  army  is  a  very  powerfull  and  noble  concept, there  are  several issues  that  must  be  addressed. My  VISION  of  a  U N  standing  army  would  be  one  that  can  effectively  engage  in peacekeeping  and  humanitarian  assistance.  The  Western  World  has  the  duty  and  responsibility  to  be  the  pillar  of  such  an  ARMY.   A  UN  ARMY  that  will  conduct  it's  operations  worldwide  and  cooperate  with  inter-governmental  agencies.  A  UN  army  that  has  a  code  of  honor  and  a  loyalty  to  the  presevation of  peace, order and security  in  our  shared  world.  A  special  education ( such  as  language training, cultural education and spiritual  empahsis )  must  take  place  in a  NEW  UN  ARMY.  World leaders, business leaders and spiritual leaders  must  debate  together  on  what  will  be  the  first -ever  truly  GLOBAL UNITED FORCE. So  I  urge  all  politicians, religious leaders, businessman, historians, military men, sociologists, scholars, environmentalists,philantropists, urban planners, technocrats, doctors ,etc.... and  all  who  want  to see  a  New World Order  in  which  A  UN ARMY  would  ensure  PEACE and ORDER,  to  unite  in  discussion  and  debate. I  see  a  better  world  for  all  of  us  if  such  an  army  were  to  emerge  and  therefore  a  NEW  GLOBAL  COMMUNITY  that  will  RISE  AS  A PHOENIX  to  rid  this  world  of  the  injustice, corruption  and  environmental decay that  plagues  and  effects (  and  it  shall )  ALL  OF  US  sharing  this  Earth....For  the  first  time  in  our  history  as  a people  we  have  the  opportunity  to  create  such  a  FORCE  that  will  represent  the  CITIZENS  OF  THIS  WORLD  and  truly  serve  it's  peoples. In  these  times,  when  we  are  more  close  to  annihilating  HUMAN  CIVILIZATION  than  we  ever  were....we  are  also  closer  to  SEE  A  REBIRTH  OF  THE  CIVILIZATION  OF  MAN  THAT  IS  TRULY  UNITED  IN  THE  COMMON  STRUGGLE! (  TO  BUILD  A  BETTER  WORLD  FOR  OUR  CHILDREN,  TO  WHICH  I  GIVE  THE  ATMOST  IMPORTANCE! ).   This  IDEALISM  could  reach  REALISM  because  we  are  bound  by  HUMANISM!
       May  Providence  bless  all  of  us!

For  any  comments  u  can  contact  me  at        cscorpyo77@hotmail.com

Can anyone really comment on this drivel?  ::) I think someone is off their meds!

EDIT: fixed quote box

I am amazed that anyone even had the balls to propose a "UN Army" given the "success" of recent UN interventions.

As far as I am concerned the UN will never be able to live down the SHAME of Rwanda. Remember Rwanda?

It was that place where guys in baby blue hats stood around while nearly 800,000 defenceless men, WOMEN & CHILDREN were hacked to death with machetes before their, AND THE WHOLE WORLDS, very eyes.

Hopefully the days of wishful thinking are long gone, and card carrying members of the Neville Chamberlain fan club can stick to doing what they do best, which is..... NOTHING.
