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US-Oz Relationship


Army.ca Legend
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The first article is old news. The second article though shows how the US-Oz relationship has continued to grow closer. This is in contrast to the pulling away of the Brits as they become more Euro-centric.

Australia to share US secrets


WASHINGTON: Australia may join an advanced US military communications satellite network and foot part of the bill for expanding it, said an executive of Boeing Co., which is building the system.

Government-to-government talks are under way about partnering on the U.S. Wideband Global Satellite Communications network, or WGS, said Roger Krone of Boeing's Network and Space Systems arm.

"Boeing is aware that there are discussions with the Commonwealth of Australia on participating in the program and helping to fund a sixth satellite," he told reporters on Tuesday at the annual conference of the Air Force Association.

Australian involvement would enhance two-way wartime communications with the United States and increase the system's coverage and capacity worldwide, said a person familiar the technology. Australia would be the only U.S. partner in the network, this person said.

Russia and China have voiced concern over what they regard as tightening military ties among the United States, Japan and Australia, including for defense against ballistic missiles.

Air Commodore Graham Bentley, air attache at the Australian Embassy in Washington, said on Wednesday of the talks, "We are discussing options to see what we can agree on."

The U.S. Air Force's Los Angeles-based Space and Missile Systems Center, which is responsible for acquiring the satellites, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The network's first satellite is due to be launched Oct. 9. Just that one satellite will provide more capacity for video, data and voice than the aging constellation of satellites it is due to augment and then replace, the Space and Missile Systems Center has said.

Five WGS satellites are currently planned, with the constellation due to be fully operational by 2012.

Precise figures on a sixth satellite's cost were not immediately available, but the total cost of a six-satellite system has been projected at $1.8 billion, said Joseph Tedino, a Boeing spokesman.

Krone said Boeing was optimistic talks with Australia would clinch a deal for a sixth satellite, possibly by the end of this year.

A change of government may cool things off. We hope the left does not get in, and it will be a close call. An election is just around the corner, not called yet, but anytime now.

The anti-Americanism here goes back to WW2 where the Yanks were considered 'Over paid, over sexed, and over here' While Australian Forces were considered 'Under payed, under sexed, and under MacArthur!'

Of course there is the VN and post VN lefty dope smoking mob, who are not only anti war, but anti government, and ya, legalise drugs!

This is the smallest minority of the population, but they get the media attention.


Nice of ya to put things into perspective Wes :)

Under sexed?
Close call you think Wes? Howard looks to get flogged, and it will be a sad day for the army if he does. Remember what things where like the last time Labor was in govt...
It will be close, but Rudd is too cocky, and the whole shadow cabinet are all former union bosses. Thats BS!

Rudd will phuck the country for sure.

I don't doubt he'll be damaging, but Rudd is the most two faced leader with the best PR I have ever seen. I hope he doesn't get in, but I reckon he will. There's just no dirt on him. I can't work out why people would vote out a government that has us in the best shape we have ever been in though.