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US, Philippines, reach 10-year agreement on greater presence of US troops


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Yet another move for the US "Pacific Pivot" ...

Associated Press/Canadian Press

US, Philippines reach 10-year deal on larger US military presence

MANILA, Philippines - The United States and the Philippines have reached a 10-year pact that would allow a larger U.S. military presence in this Southeast Asian nation as it grapples with increasingly tense territorial disputes with China, White House officials said Sunday.

Two Philippine officials confirmed the agreement to The Associated Press before the White House announcement.

The Enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement would give American forces temporary access to selected military camps and allow them to preposition fighter jets and ships. It will be signed Monday at the Department of Defence in the Philippine capital, Manila, before President Barack Obama arrives on the last leg of a four-country Asian tour, following earlier stops in Japan, South Korea and Malaysia.

A Philippine government primer on the defence accord that was seen by the AP did not indicate how many additional U.S. troops would be deployed "on temporary and rotational basis," but it said that the number would depend on the scale of joint military activities to be held in Philippine camps.

The size and duration of that presence still has to be worked out with the Philippine government, said Evan Medeiros, senior director for Asian affairs at the White House's National Security Council.

Medeiros declined to say which specific areas in the Philippines are being considered under the agreement, but said the long-shuttered U.S. facility at Subic Bay could be one of the locations.

The PI doesnt want a permanent presence but I suspect that on this topic it will be back to the future at least for air and sea basing.
I wouldn't be surprised if these former senators leading this anti-EDCA treaty/anti-US drive are secretly on Beijing's payroll...


Philippine Court Urged to Block US Defense Pact
Associated Press | May 27, 2014

MANILA, Philippines — Two former senators, lawyers and activists asked the Philippine Supreme Court on Monday to rule on the constitutionality of an agreement with the United States that gives the American military greater access to bases across the country. They also urged the court to halt the pact's implementation until it issues a ruling.

The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement signed hours before a visit last month by President Barack Obama will allow thousands of U.S. troops to be temporarily based in Philippines for the first time in more than 20 years, signaling closer cooperation in the allies' hot-and-cold relationship that has been shaped over the decades by war, terrorism and now, jitters over China's growing military might and assertiveness.

Former Senators Rene Saguisag and Wigberto Tanada - two of 12 senators who voted to kick the U.S. military bases out of the Philippines in 1991 - and 10 taxpayers filed the petition, suing five officials including President Benigno Aquino III's defense, foreign affairs, budget and executive secretaries and the armed forces chief of staff for abuse of discretion.

The PI is in a very strategic location and basing ships and aircraft there is going to be a problem for PRC expansion.


U.S. forces would have access to at least eight bases in the Philippines — including two near a hotly contested island group claimed by China — under a new bilateral defense agreement, according to a Philippine media report.
Moderators, could we PLEASE merge this thread with the older one below? It's about the same topic. Thanks.

EDITED TO ADD: THANK YOU to the moderators for the thread merge.  :salute:
The legal challenge to the US-PH bases deal is beaten in court:


SC rules: PH-US military deal constitutional
(UPDATED) The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement doesn't need the concurrence of the Senate, according to the Supreme Court

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED) – Voting 10-4-1, the Supreme Court on Tuesday, January 12, declared constitutional the military deal signed by the Philippines and the United States in 2014 under the Aquino administration.

USN Growlers in the Philippines?

Interaksyon(Philippines news site)

US deploys more fighter planes to PH for training stint, SCS access operations
By: Jaime Sinapit, InterAksyon.com | With Agence France-Presse
June 16, 2016 5:38 PM

MANILA - The United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) has deployed four airborne electronic attack aircraft to augment eight other air assets already stationed at Clark Air Base, according to a statement released Thursday by the US Embassy in Manila.

The US fighter planes have arrived in the Philippines for a training mission and operations to ensure access to the disputed South China Sea, the US Navy said Thursday.

The Philippines' longtime ally deployed the aircraft to train Filipino pilots as Manila remains locked in an increasingly tense maritime dispute with Beijing.

The US Navy made a veiled reference to so-called freedom of navigation operations in which Washington sends a ship or plane to pass by a Chinese-claimed island to reject its claims of sovereignty.
