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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Biden 2 - Vote Hard with a Vengence

Taking a mature stance that called for national unity and lowered emotions likely would have been the best play both politically and ethically for Trump following the assassination attempt. I am however unsurprised that the man with the emotional maturity and impulse control of a toddler wasn't able to take this path, along with some of the usual suspects in the GOP.

Political violence of any form is abhorrent and we're all fortunate that the assassination attempt was unsuccessful. But Trump's actions and consistent inflammatory lies since he came down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced his candidacy have had a significant role in the polarization that the US is in today. While I hope that nobody else makes a move towards violence I find it difficult to some extent to not view this situation as, "man who added fuel to fire for the past 9 years finally gets burned."

In a prerecorded message to the convention Tuesday night, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump insisted that Democrats are “destroying our country,” and once again claimed that the 2020 election was stolen from him, urging supporters not to let “what happened” that year happen again.

But few summed up the aggressive mood of the convention better than West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, who told conference-goers on Tuesday that the “bottom line” for Republicans is this: “We become totally unhinged if Donald Trump is not elected in November.”

The Radical Left Democrats are desperately trying to “Play the Ref” by calling for an illegal and unConstitutional attack on our SACRED United States Supreme Court. The reason that these Communists are so despondent is that their unLawful Witch Hunts are failing everywhere. The Democrats are attempting to interfere in the Presidential Election, and destroy our Justice System, by attacking their Political Opponent, ME, and our Honorable Supreme Court. We have to fight for our Fair and Independent Courts, and protect our Country. MAGA2024!
Whoops. Biden’s tested positive for COVID and has had to cancel an appearance in Vegas today. Mild or not, both candidates are in the high risk demographic, and it’s definitely still going around.

Interesting that it happens right at the time many Democrats are calling for him to quit the presidential race. Hmmm.
Taking a mature stance that called for national unity and lowered emotions likely would have been the best play both politically and ethically for Trump following the assassination attempt.
Yes. It would be best if everyone did so. Trump going it alone wouldn't make much difference.