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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs ??? - Vote Hard with a Vengence

Given the GOP’s previous obsession with age that nickname seems appropriate.

I seem to recall the cries for application of the 25th amendment to remove Trump in the first term... which was illegitimate. Why hasn't that been used now? It would actually be legitimate now.
Age is a factor, the fact that Biden was basically drooling into his soup and the Dem's were pretending it was a magical soup bowel that refilled itself was the issue. He was clearly unfit for some time, so I expect that will be part of the GOP response that all the Dems have done is change the puppet sock on the hand. It will mean that Trump will have to work harder and KH will attract back some of the younger vote that Biden was shedding. I think it will be a hard fight for both of them as they both have large baggage trains.
I seem to recall the cries for application of the 25th amendment to remove Trump in the first term... which was illegitimate. Why hasn't that been used now? It would actually be legitimate now.
Yes. And the cries came from the GOP at that time as well. Seems like “ol’45s” cabinet was considering it.

That's right. The corrupt establishment on both sides, but mostly the Dems. Notice how none of them have made the move to invoke the 25th now with Biden drooling in his soup?
That's right. The corrupt establishment on both sides, but mostly the Dems. Notice how none of them have made the move to invoke the 25th now with Biden drooling in his soup?
The GOP is in fact calling for it. they seem blindsided a bit so have to go back to some of their old playbook tactics.
Harris as president will be a bigger clown show than Biden was the last couple of years. She's probably even further left than Trudeau or Jags.
And why do you say that? I'd like to see some facts and not just your opinion.
That's right. The corrupt establishment on both sides, but mostly the Dems. Notice how none of them have made the move to invoke the 25th now with Biden drooling in his soup?

The only one who can invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment is the Vice President (along with a majority of the principal members of the cabinet). If the VP doesn't go along, it's a non-starter. Determining and declaring that a president "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office" is a huge threshold. Usually it's the president who makes the declaration; Harris has already been "Acting President" - the first time back in 2021 when Joe was under anesthesia for a colonoscopy.