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USAF Officer Gets 50 Years for Raping Men


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Life nowadays just keeps getting weirder and weirder... :o Talk about appalling. At least he's behind bars...


AF Officer Gets 50 Years for Raping Men
Associated Press  |  March 01, 2007
EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - A military jury ignored an Air Force captain's plea for leniency Wednesday, sentencing him to 50 years in prison for raping four men and attempting to rape two others.

The sentence was delivered a day after nine Air Force officers serving on Capt. Devery L. Taylor's court-martial jury found him guilty of all charges against him for drugging and kidnapping servicemen and others he met in bars. Taylor was dismissed from the Air Force and will not be eligible for parole for 20 years.

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Revisited

Earlier Wednesday, the 38-year-old former hospital administrator asked jurors to consider a sentence of 10 years. His civilian attorney, Martin Regan, said Taylor had no criminal history and an outstanding military record in his four years of service.

Taylor was convicted of two counts of attempted sodomy, four counts of forcible sodomy, two counts of kidnapping and one count of unlawful entry.

"Each of these victims met the accused only briefly, but they will suffer the rest of their lives," said Capt. Eveylon Westbrook, a military prosecutor.

Taylor had testified that he had consensual sex with five of the men and that the sixth, who is openly gay, raped him. His attorney said the men lied to protect their military careers.

"I want you to know how much I have loved being a part of the Air Force and serving this country. It has been difficult for me to be a part of the military and be who I am, which is a homosexual," Taylor said in a written statement read Wednesday by a military defense attorney assisting in the case.

Taylor said he feared he was the victim of a "gay round up" when military investigators interviewed him in 2006 and said that is why he did not fully answer their questions in a five-hour videotaped interview.

Four of the men he was convicted of assaulting were in the military when they met Taylor. A fifth wanted to join the Navy and feared being identified as gay, Regan said.

Taylor's only crime was being gay in the military and violating the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which bans people who are openly gay from serving in the armed forces, Regan said.

Each of the six men testified during the nine-day court-martial and said they drank with Taylor at bars, later felt drugged and were assaulted by him. Two of the men are Air Force officers.

The victims submitted letters for the jury to consider at sentencing. Westbrook said the letters describe how being raped has caused depression and problems in some of their marriages and jobs.

Sheriff's deputies in August charged another man with helping Taylor rape one of the six victims on March 23. Radoslaw Czaban, 38, of Okaloosa Island, is awaiting trial on charges of being a principal to sexual battery and false imprisonment.
I am glad they gave him 50 years, and that he will be behind bars for at least 20 years.
Depending on where he gets sent, this could be one of the few cases where the punishment fits the crime.
Taylor had testified that he had consensual sex with five of the men and that the sixth, who is openly gay, raped him. His attorney said the men lied to protect their military careers.

I'll play devils advocate here. 
The US policy of "Don't ask, don't tell" is the most neandertholic policy ever.  IIHO, the US should get rid of the "No gays in the military" policy and join the rest of the 21st Century.  We have openly gay and lesbian members and it doesn't bother me in the least.  I've also witnessed many members lie like a rug just to save their military careers. 
I feel for this guy who took a fall for his personal preferences and helped save a bunch of career minded, spineless wimps.
My 0.02   

Devil's advocate here:
What would your opinion be if he had been convicted of raping 5 women, and he claimed that the sex was consensual, but that they were "all out to get me".  This guy was using smoke and mirrors in an attempt to deflect from his crime (remember, he was convicted, no "alleged" here).
The policy of homosexuals in the military has as much to do with this case as my hair colour does.
What is the probabilities that 6 men would ALL say :
''I've been raped'' ? Stigma as a raped man is
nothing I could see someone wanting.
Yrys said:
What is the probabilities that 6 men would ALL say :
''I've been raped'' ? Stigma as a raped man is
nothing I could see someone wanting.
SO true and well said.  To excuse this bastard for what he did would be an insult.  Next subject, please.
Sick man.  The problem with this is the generalizations that the public can make.  Its all to easy....
Rape isn't about sexual preference anyway. It's about being in 'control.'

I'd highly suggest that all rape victims suffer trauma and stigma. Perhaps they may experience more if raped by a member of the same sex. But the facts are that many rape victims of both sexes are loathe to speak out because of many factors, including religious stigmatism (muslim women for example), or feelings of a perceived 'personal' responsibility for the attack.

There will always be those who make false allegations of rape, but I'd argue that the coming forward of victims, or not, is not dependant upon their sex or the sex of their rapist; but rather how their own psyche allows them to deal with that trauma.

End result? To quote Yrys (with edits...)

What is the probabilities that 6 men women would ALL say :
''I've been raped'' ? Stigma as a raped man woman is
nothing I could see someone wanting.

Neither male nor female wants to be stigmatized as a "rape victim." The truthfullness of the account shouldn't be based on their sex, their rapists' sex, or the quantity of victims the rapist is accused of assulting, nor upon any of their occupations. To merit the worthiness of the rape allegations on anything other than the facts of the alleged rape itself only serves to reinforce the stereotype that the victims themselves are somehow personally responsible and to keep more of them silent.

A rapist desires to be in control, regardless of his victims sex. A rape victim is exactly that, regardless of their rapists' sex.

BYT Driver said:
I feel for this guy who took a fall for his personal preferences and helped save a bunch of career minded, spineless wimps.


So, you'd go out for a few stiff drinks with this guy?
Shamrock said:
Depending on where he gets sent, this could be one of the few cases where the punishment fits the crime.

Edited to remove slanderous post.

The Army.ca Staff

I'm going to go ahead and disagree. The stigma of being an abused man is much, much greater than that of being an abused woman. There is also infinitely less help for abused men than there is for women. While I do agree it's terrible for anyone to be raped by anyone else, regardless of the victim's or criminal's sex or sexual orientation, I'd say it's worse--in it's after-effects at the very least--for men. Abused men have to deal with their own societally-conditionned self-abuse, the increased exterior shame of being a man who has been raped, and the utter lack of any kind of specialized support.

I'm not trying to minimalize the plight of abused women, but I will not accept that their plight is equal to that of abused men.
All: before we pull out the "a crime to my gender is worse than a crime to your gender" argument, remember one thing: victims are victims, and let's let it be at that.

In other words, a collective breath for one and all and revisit this tomorrow, if at all...
Frederik G said:
I'm not trying to minimalize the plight of abused women, but I will not accept that their plight is equal to that of abused men.

Fred, I think you are confusing differences in society's levels of recognition of problems and resources available to victims; neither of which make the victimization/"plight" of one gender "greater" or "less" than the other.

Take care, lest you be branded with exactly the stereotyping your remark presumed to ward off.

Fred G,

I will grant you the point that there are more services/facilities for abused women available and promoted than those for abused men. IE shelters for abused women etc.

However, please do not confuse abuse victims with victims of rape. They are not the same.

Services for rape victims are listed in the front of every phone book along with rape crises hotlines. These services for victims of rape are indeed available for victims of BOTH genders, and are staffed by both sexes as well. A male rape victim calling the rape crises centre or hotline would not be turned away from it's services and would receive the very same services that a female victim of rape would receive.

I just needed to clarify that difference.
I have my own opinion about this creep. Castrate him. He is a rapist, simple as that.
A complete disgrace to himself and the USAF.I did have to smile at one of his charges though "unlawful entry".
50 years locked away with hundreds of vehement,lonely men.Is that really a punishment?
Do we put child molesters in school's as punishment?No.So why put a predator of sorts into a system where he can manipulate more people?

I agree with castration.Every sexual predator should have it removed.Or shoot it on parade.Sort of like teddy....man that would be a sweet parade.

But in all seriousness would you have let this go if it happened to yourself?That's what gun's,knifes,swords and napalm would have been used for.I think in this circumstance a man would walk after eliminating this freak.

It reminds me of a story of a Brit soldier(male) that got raped in Bosnia by two Dutch(also male).Never did hear much on it after.

a78jumper said:
Edited to remove slanderous post.

The Army.ca Staff

It was not slander; the court martial happened in Petawawa in 1995, and like OJ, just because the person was not found guilty, does not mean the incident did not happen. Rape is a very serious allegation, and I can assure all this DID happen in the Canadian Forces in Bosnia in March 1995.
Have you gone forward with your evidence to the Military Police.  You assure us that it happened, therefore you must have clear evidence that would overturn the Judgement.

If not, then it is slanderous.

