Oldgateboatdriver said:
Anybody sees the irony in trying to reduce the number of "pilots" you need to fly pilotless planes. ;D
They're not Pilotless. The Pilot just isn't inside of them.
Single-seat fighters seem able to use targetting pods and drop/launch weapons fairly well, so I cannot say that a UAV job cannot be done by one person. I would not think it ideal, though.
Decent technology and a good GCS may make it feasible.
We typically operated Sperwer with four in the box (Mission Commander, Aerial Vehicle Operator, Payload Operator, and an Int Guy.
I wouldn't say that the Sperwer system, including its GCS, was crappy, but - yes, it was crappy. Each crew position only had one monitor, so the AVO had to constantly flip through pages on it to see his complete instrumentation. Comms between the box and outside was via Mirc chat, so the MC spent a bunch of time typing and it's hard to fly while doing so. Voice would have been better and that, combined with a few other simple technical improvements, could have allowed the MC and AVO to be combined (and, as a side benefit, I'd have been able to shout at the clueless thuds [some of them certainly were, but some were alright-to-good] on the other end of the fibre-optics cable when they were not paying attention). The Int Guy did not have to be in the box at all, but some Rotos had MCs who did not have a Tac Hel and/or recce background and I think that he/she was added in order to compensate for any such lacks.
We were very envious of the Reaper GCS. The air conditioning actually worked, they had more monitors than a Best Buy, and, oh, the comfy chairs....
One can only dream of such comfy chairs. We had standard Staples rolly office chairs with, were one fortunate, all five casters.