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VAC wait times

Unreal. 5 week mark and still waiting for a Lump Sum form UGH!!
Yup, I waited until two days before the 6 week mark. Waiting for them to process the form, hopefully no longer than 3 weeks. Anyone have any recent experience with payments?
Officially into the 6th week wait now for the form. As for experience with payments, VAC has been processing them faster than the wait for the forms. I am using my most recent one and also a buddy of mine as examples. Wait time approx for deposit of Lump Sum was 9-10 days. Hopefully that stays true.
6 weeks to receive a form…that should be available for download and/or electronic submission on My VAC account. Crazy.
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Yep, 6 weeks just to receive a form is unacceptable. From experience with this form on how it works, it's not rocket science either. It's just simple math calculation for the Lump Sum. It's baffling why they can't action a simple math form for the percentage/lump sum and send it.

It's not like it's a case where it's a VRAB Decision Letter where it has to go to VAC for the Medical Adjudication Percentage Rating. This is just A BASIC MATH Calculation!! Mindboggling.
Officially into the 6th week wait now for the form. As for experience with payments, VAC has been processing them faster than the wait for the forms. I am using my most recent one and also a buddy of mine as examples. Wait time approx for deposit of Lump Sum was 9-10 days. Hopefully that stays true.
On my 10th business day after signing the form, no sign of any payment
Wow, interesting. Yea, let me know how it goes and what length of business day you receive the payment i..e 13th day. Just curious. My last one I received on 10th business day after signing/submitting the form. Hope you receive it tomorrow and it don't get dragged out like the recent Lump Sum form requests.
As an aside, just got off the phone with a VAC rep who a. actually knew about which we were speaking and b. actually gave me the feeling that she really cared. VIP was the discussion and after screening my file she advised me to have it updated immediatly. I did, took about 10 mins or so and resulted in an increase to both my allocations! One effective immediatly and the other 01 Jan next. Phone no is 1-866-522-2122 Please pass this to others not on this site as changes/updates are NOT automatic.
As an aside, just got off the phone with a VAC rep who a. actually knew about which we were speaking and b. actually gave me the feeling that she really cared. VIP was the discussion and after screening my file she advised me to have it updated immediatly. I did, took about 10 mins or so and resulted in an increase to both my allocations! One effective immediatly and the other 01 Jan next. Phone no is 1-866-522-2122 Please pass this to others not on this site as changes/updates are NOT automatic.
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Wow, interesting. Yea, let me know how it goes and what length of business day you receive the payment i..e 13th day. Just curious. My last one I received on 10th business day after signing/submitting the form. Hope you receive it tomorrow and it don't get dragged out like the recent Lump Sum form requests.
16 business days
Going off my brother's recent Lump Sum form. He received his Lump Sum form around the 6 week mark and received his deposit 14 business days later. It seems you will receive the deposit a lot sooner than it takes to receive the form. 14 business days is not bad at all.
Hey all.

I just got an update that VAC has completed my application, and that if I have not received a decision letter, that I can expect one shortly.

Two questions for those with experience with this:

1. Will they upload an e-copy of the decision letter, or will it only come by snail mail (for a different issue I had where there decision that was put on hold, they sent both, but on that occasion I received notification of the decision at the same time that the e-copy was uploaded, followed by the hardcopy in the mail about a week or 2 later. So it's weird that I received this decision notification but no e-copy of the letter...);

2. Define "shortly", lol.
It should go to your Secure inbox if you use My VAC account services. My most recent one was about 5 days from receiving notification on Step 4 to it reaching my inbox.

Hoping your decision is favourable and you’re happy with it!
I forgot to add, you could check your Profile in your MyVAC account to “paperless” for notifications, letters, etc.

You will receive in electronically in your My VAC Account Inbox in a week or so, once it changes to Complete. That being said, there is a way to already tell if your VAC claim is Favourable or Denied, once the status changes to Complete. Go to Current Benefits and Payment History. Click on Current Benefits and look to the right across from PSC Monthly Amount. If you see a dollar amount there for example $64.85 or $129.44 that means you have a Favourable Decision. That amount, whichever it is, equates to a Lump Sum amount if you choose the Lump Sum option. Go ahead and I wish you a Favourable Decision! Hope you have an amount listed! Good Luck!
Hello everyone
I am currently waiting on a PTSD claim, my complete package arrived at the end of Sept. I am currently sitting at step 3.2 does anyone know how long this step takes? when I called VAC they walked around the question. I'm not sure if anyone here is in a similar situation.
A PTSD claim will generally take between 8-10 weeks from the time of submission of your application to decision (if you have a clear diagnosis in your med file).