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It would appear that tomorrow (in this here time zone anyhow) is Valentines Day, or as I like to call it:
Single awareness day/Couples getting laid day.

Some people have Christmas to get cranky on... this is mine.

To any other bitter singles on the forum I have one piece of advice for the 14th:
I suggest we all drink heavily until the day makes sense.

:mg:  :hearts:

eh  - it's just another day.  I haven't celebrated Valentine's day in years.

But here's some  :hearts:  I'm going to be indulging in some chocolate fudge cookie cheesecake and a bottle of strawberry wine.  Maybe even a nice bubblebath if the kids will leave me alone long enough.
Here you go, Oddball.


uncle-midget-Oddball said:
It would appear that tomorrow (in this here time zone anyhow) is Valentines Day, or as I like to call it:
Single awareness day/Couples getting laid day.

Some people have Christmas to get cranky on... this is mine.

To any other bitter singles on the forum I have one piece of advice for the 14th:
I suggest we all drink heavily until the day makes sense.

:mg:  :hearts:



LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH: c/o the lovechild generation :hearts:


(Even though that song isn't that bad)

Friday the 13th today, and Valentines tomorrow. Not impressed.

I had to leave work early my man is in the sandbox and I have had no comms in a bit.... missing him is really hard.... and watching people receive flowers, chocolates, wine, singing telegrams and then hearing then whine about it... I was like WTF I just want to know he is safe .... frig the flowers and chocolates....  but I will take the wine....lol
Ok so heres the wish to all of you Happy V -Day  :hearts:

PS CHEESECAKE sounds soooooo YUMMY!!!!!! ;)
You think that your Valentine's day sucks?  Check out what how Saint Valentine celebrated his day:
Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family,
assisted the martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II. He was apprehended,
and sent by the emperor to the prefect of Rome, who, on finding all his promises
to make him renounce his faith in effectual, commended him to be beaten with
clubs, and afterwards, to be beheaded, which was executed on February 14.
About the year 270. Pope Julius I is said to have built a church near
Ponte Mole to his memory, which for a long time gave name to the gate now
called Porta del Popolo, formerly, Porta Valetini.

The greatest part of  his relics are now in the church of St. Praxedes.
His name is celebrated as that of an illustrious martyr in the sacramentary
of St. Gregory, the Roman Missal of  Thomasius, in the calendar of
F. Fronto and that of Allatius, in Bede, Usuard, Ado, Notker and all other
martyrologies on this day. To abolish the heathens lewd superstitious custom
of boys drawing the names of girls, in honor of their goddess Februata Juno,
on the fifteenth of this month, several zealous pastors substituted the names
of saints in billets given on this day.

The 14th was also a designated a feast day (until 1969, when it was dropped
from the Roman Catholic calendar) to honor two Christian saints
(at least one named Saint Valentine) martyred by the Roman Emperor
Claudius II Gothicus. There is a little bit of love stuff in this part,
though -- the reason Saint Valentine was killed (beheaded, actually)
was that he continued to marry young couples even though Claudius
forbade it. Apparently Claudius thought that married soldiers weren't
as good as single soldiers.

lovinmysapper said:
I had to leave work early my man is in the sandbox and I have had no comms in a bit.... missing him is really hard.... and watching people receive flowers, chocolates, wine, singing telegrams and then hearing then whine about it... I was like WTF I just want to know he is safe .... frig the flowers and chocolates....  but I will take the wine....lol
Ok so heres the wish to all of you Happy V -Day  :hearts:

PS CHEESECAKE sounds soooooo YUMMY!!!!!! ;)

Hope your Valentine's day isn't depressing.  Hubby's not a hearts & flowers kind of guy anyway, so I bought myself a box of chocolates for Valentine's day. I am looking forward to the cheesecake it is very yummy.  Tomorrow I'm going to brunch with some friends and then hopefully he'll be able to jump on the webcam for a little bit.
Aww midget, it's okay if you have no one to love you, we all do :) :hearts:

;) :D

I hate it too, don't worry.
It isn't corporations making Valentines about purchasing things.  They simply make available what people want.  Its the consumers who make demand for products and services.

Well, in Canada at least.  In Soviet Russia, valentines buy you.
The fact that this day's namesake was beaten with clubs then beheaded is the best thing I've heard about February 14th.

Maybe I'll just curl up with a romantic comedy......like "Patton" or "A Bridge Too Far"
Church urges lovelorn singles not to pray to St Valentine


If roses won't do the trick, try Saint
Raphael suggests the Catholic Church

St Valentine 'not saint of love'

Britain's Roman Catholic Church is advising lovelorn singles to direct their
14 February requests for love to St Raphael, rather than St Valentine.

Over the years St Valentine has come incorrectly to be associated with
finding love, the Church says. He is the patron saint for those who have
already found their soulmate.

St Raphael is the patron saint for happy encounters and it is to him those
fearing the Valentine's post should properly direct their prayers.

Divine intervention

Clare Ward, spokeswoman for the Catholic Enquiry Office, the official body
providing information on Catholic life, said that while the distinction between
the saints has always been clear within the Church it has, over the years,
been blurred outside.

"Saint Valentine passed a note to his jailer's daughter, whose sight he is
thought to have cured," she said. "The note had no romantic content, but it's
from this story that the tradition of sending notes of appreciation has come
from. "If tomorrow you are still looking for your soul mate, the actual patron
saint is St Raphael. "He's the person you should dedicate your day or pray to
if you are looking for Mr or Mrs right."

St Raphael, according to legend, helped Tobias enter into marriage with Sarah,
who had seen seven previous bridegrooms perish on the eve of their weddings.
It is he within the canon of Catholic saints who is properly associated with
helping to forge partnerships.

St Valentine is said to have been martyred in Rome in 269. While his exact
history is unclear, Valentine is thought to have existed as archaeologists have
unearthed an early church dedicated to someone of that name. One theory is
that he was a priest in Rome who continued to marry Christian couples in
defiance of the law of the day. On the eve of his execution, he is said to have
signed a note to his jailer's daughter: "From your Valentine."


The oldest known Valentine's
message, dating from 1477

Spiritual networks

Those hoping for divine intervention to help their love lives may well appreciate
the correction in target for their prayers, but Miss Ward also had some more advice.

"There is a lot of evidence to suggest that young people who have tapped into prayer
groups have found partners," she said. "Those who have exhausted traditional routes
like online dating should try spiritual networks.

"Why not come along to a prayer group - it could be your lucky night."
Hope your Valentine's day isn't depressing.  Hubby's not a hearts & flowers kind of guy anyway, so I bought myself a box of chocolates for Valentine's day. I am looking forward to the cheesecake it is very yummy.  Tomorrow I'm going to brunch with some friends and then hopefully he'll be able to jump on the webcam for a little bit.

Well actually it started off pretty bad tons of tears... after reading about the latest injuries... Then he came online just returned and wanted to sat Happy V Day and he loves and misses me... and next year he will make up for this....so all in all its been better then I thought... OH and Cheesecake I had Vanilla with raspberry OH it was awesome,,,,, LOL

I hope you have a great day also...and thx for the note!!!!

Well ... I'm trying to think of something cheerful to post here but I haven't succeeded in thinking of anything beyond this maudlin thought:

Twenty years ago today, Iranian theocrat Ayatollah Khomeini issued a "fatwa" against Salman Rushdie's "Satanic Verses."

Khomeini called on Muslims worldwide, as a principle of religious duty, to assassinate Rushdie and anyone associated with the publication of his book.

That day in history marked the beginning of a clash between western values of freedom of expression and Islam's value of unquestioning obedience to one interpretation of the Koran.

Today, I'm thinking about Salman Rushdie and wondering what kind of meaning Valentine's Day can have for him ...

I'm also thinking about our guys and gals in theatre who are tacitly fighting to preserve those same western values ... :hearts: :yellow:

Some other history on today...

and here I was thinking this was a thread about these:


No wonder my wife calls me unromantic
;DThanks for making me laugh!!!!!! thats what my man said to me a couple of yrs ago....LMAO
I gave my two Siamese cats a water buffalo thick juicy Valentine's Day steak, wrapped in bacon.

Oh and I had one myself  ;D

I got breakfast in bed, flowers, a card, dinner, a teddy bear, new 'not-sleeping' attire  :)  ...

and frozen when I had to shovel the damn driveway.  >:(