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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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GeorgeD said:
also this is probably going to sound stupid but it works... Eat Carrots and it will improve your vision somewhat, even a slight improvement might bost you within the minimal...

BS. The best you can hope for is a slight increase in vision, IF you were deficent in Vitamin A / Beta Carotene. Not enough to improve your vision from V4 to V3. Chances are your eyes will go yellow first.
St. Micheal's Medical Team said:
BS. The best you can hope for is a slight increase in vision, IF you were deficent in Vitamin A / Beta Carotene. Not enough to improve your vision from V4 to V3. Chances are your eyes will go yellow first.

Yeah I talked with a Laser surgery company and I decided ima work to get the money and get the surgery and go in the Infantry in the summer rather then settle with the Signal Corps.
GeorgeD said:
also this is probably going to sound stupid but it works... Eat Carrots and it will improve your vision somewhat, even a slight imrpovement might bost you within the minimal...

No it does not work.
GeorgeD said:
Yeah I talked with a Laser surgery company and I decided ima work to get the money and get the surgery and go in the Infantry in the summer rather then settle with the Signal Corps.

SETTLE with the Signal Corp? With an attitude like that, you won't be getting any warm coffee from the Jimmies when you get in from a long patrol, and would kill for a little bit of comfort.

I decided to join the Communications and Electronics branch when I was told I couldn't join any of the combat arms due to a V4. And guess what, I've learned to enjoy it. Yes, I do the soldier skills. I consider myself to be a soldier first, and a tradesman second. But you serve in whatever capacity you can. So I wouldn't suggest that you need to settle for any job if you wear the uniform.

"Signals, you can talk about us, but you can't talk without us"
I'm sorry I meant settle because its not my first choice. I don't wanna settle with the Armour Troops or the Artillery because that's not the job I want... I did not mean any offence. I'm really sorry if I offended you. to me any job is important but I don't want to take a job just or the sake of being in the CF.
GeorgeD said:
They told me my vision is in V4 and I am unqualified for field, but they told me not to come in because they will send my papers and medical records for review...

I'm assuming you mean unqualified for a field trade.  If V4s weren't allowed in the field, we'd be a pretty small crew!!  Not me, I'm a V1-V2 but there's a lot of field medics who are V4.  We used to always joke that you could be deaf and blind and still be a medic.  :D
I just have a quick question and would greatly appreciate if someone could help me out. I have received a conditional offer as a reservist with the Royal Regiment of Canada (Infantry), I just need to pass the medical. Anyway, I have heard that sometimes they ask for additional information from your optometrist regarding eye conditions. I have a very slight prescription (-1.25 in each eye, if that means anything to you) and would like to know what information they might ask for. This is because the next BMQ begins in early January, and my medical is in mid-December. I'm worried that if I have to go for a follow-up medical, I won't be able to start in early January; if I had the information ready at the medical I already have scheduled, it would eliminate the need for a follow-up and I could begin ASAP. I have looked through the forums for an answer to this question, but it was not apparent. Anyway, if anyone could help me with this it would be appreciated. Thanks a lot. :salute:
Thanks for the link. I checked it out but it really just goes into what sort of vision you need for different jobs etc. I just need to know what information to bring in to the medical exam that the doctor might ask of me. If this happened to anyone when they went to their medical it would be great if you could tell me what they had you bring in. Thanks again.


I looked over that link a little more carefully and saw this part:

5. When uncorrected vision is below acceptable standards, the possibility of correction to normal shall be
tested with the candidate's own spectacles. If correction to acceptable standards is not possible by these
means, the candidate shall be referred for the opinion of a qualified ophthalmologist.

So it seems that they will only seek more information from my optometrist if my vision is substantially poor, even after correction. If someone could confirm that this is the case it would be a great service. Thanks again to any and all who take the time to help me out.
You need to bring your glasses and a copy of your last prescription for them.
PMedMoe said:
We used to always joke that you could be deaf and blind and still be a medic.  :D

Sure, deaf and blind is ok, but not dumb or lazy. That will just get your butt kicked.

I just have a quick question for anyone who might be able to awnser.

I had to get my eye doctor to fill out a form for my eyesight and I am worried I might not meet the Requirments for V3 with uncorrected vision. If someone could help me with this it would be great.

Uncorrected my eye sight is Left - 6/60 and right - 6/120

Any information on were I sit would be grand.



If you are looked in the sticky called 'enrollment medical standards' you would have found this. I think this answers your question.

From the look of it, it looks like you are SOL. However, go to your doc, fill out the forms, and give it a shot regardless. The recruitment centre/DND medical types have the final say, not army.ca
as old medic said, glasses and recent prescription...they will only make you go see an opthomologist if your prescription is worse than -7.00. If your vision is 6/120, uncorrected (you can see the big E) then you are still at least a v3 provided the sphere is no worse than -2.50.
My right eye was a 6/90 and I was a V-4 because of that eye. 6/6 in the left eye.
so I had to go to the doc, get a check up done to be sure my astigmatism is correctable with glasses, wich it can be brought back up to near perfect with them, so with them I'm classified as a V-2.
I was told that luckily I won't have to wear lenses since I don't work well with glasses, they just wanted to make sure it was correctible.
Not sure if that was any help for ya! I'm just in the final stages and waiting for my phone call now.
disregard my last..i got my info screwed up while reading the aircrew selection standards....out.
I have my medical coming up soon and had a question regarding the vision test. I know my eyes are not 20/20, I got glasses long ago but I never wore them and I lost them years ago. I really don't want to spend the money to get new glasses that I'll only wear once to take the medical.

  The impression I get from the posts on this forum is that if don't read the 20/20 line I will be given a form to have filled out by an optometrist saying my vision is correctable to 20/20. Is this true? or am I going to have to get new glasses before the exam?
how about you book with an opthala/optometrist and have your eyes tested prior to your medical?
If this question has already been asked, then i apologize in advance... After doing much searching, and reading through many posts involving vision, (including using the search feature) i could not come across an answer.

Once you get into a Combat Arms trade (Armour, in my case) can you be fired/discharged if your vision goes below the V3 class? I'm currently border line, and im afraid that once i get in, i might be fired a couple years down the line.

Much Obliged