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Hey didn't know where to post this question.  Looked up vitamins on the site but couldn't find the answer I was looking for.  I am leaving for BMQ this week in Wainwright and I was wondering if I could bring vitams?  Like just a bottle of vitam c's.  It's no big deal, I was just wondering if it is possible to bring it?  Thanks! :cdn:
Sure you could bring them, but you may have them taken away from you.  I don't know the policy for sure, but I have seen them take away Tylenol, Creotine (typo?) , and the such.  Just make sure you let your instructors know what you have and let them be the judge.
At the recruiters we were told we could bring them, as they are not drugs. Just ask your recruiters when you can.
Bring them. You might have to keep them locked in with your civi stuff for a few weeks, but after that no one will care.
Bring them, you have nothing to lose. If they do take them away just try to eat an orange or have some orange juice every day. It should ultimately have the same effect.

I would take them anyways. Just a suggestion, leave the factory seal on them. Just so that they know that you haven't put a little something of your own inside the bottle.
Afraid of scurvy, are ye?

Unless your doctor told you you're vitamin C deficient, you most likely don't need the stuff anyway. As for bringing a bottle of pills... well, it takes away from your storage space, and you get many more benefits from eating an orange with every meal. It's up to you, but I don't see how it's necessary.
Hi guys,

Just wondering what the CF take is on things like protein powder, fish oil and other endurance supps before one leaves for basic?  Apart from steroids and drugs, what other stuff does one have to stay away from?

I am sorry if this question has been asked before
Jaydub said:
Lots of CF members take protein powder and other supplements.
This may be of interest to you. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/48433.0.html
Very good reading.

Thanks for that! I ask because I read somewhere of people taking ephedrine and caff to burn fat quickly, and Whey ON protein powder to build muscles.

Just wanted to know if protein powder and fish oil are legal.


PS: so from what I read in the link above, carb intake is important for exercises like running et al
jacksparrow said:
Thanks for that! I ask because I read somewhere of people taking ephedrine and caff to burn fat quickly, and Whey ON protein powder to build muscles.

Just wanted to know if protein powder and fish oil are legal.


PS: so from what I read in the link above, carb intake is important for exercises like running et al

Yes, they're quite legal.
However, there's no "magic pill" out there to get you the results you want.
It's all proper nutrition and hard work.
The stuff is all legal - however, unless things have changed since I went through Basic, if it wasn't given or prescribed to you by a CF practitioner when you arrived, you didn't get to keep it.  Except your glasses.  One huge bodybuilding type guy showed up with all his supps - they went into the contraband bin as did the dude's tylenol next to me.  But hey, things may have changed.

If you talk to a dietician (I just did yesterday, at the CDU in CYAW) they will likely tell you:

- creatine is not worth money you spend on it.
- fish oil supplements are ok provided you take into consideration the other Omega-3 fat you intake thru fish, etc. 
- protein powders are more of a waste of money and you are better to learn about the protein in all the foods you consume, and then decide if you want to spend your money on them.

There is a whole other assorted info we talked about but...the big points were that I was probably eating enough protein in the fish, rice etc I eat, continue to balance all meals, do overdue things like cod liver oil pills (I was taking 3 a day...she said drop to 1 a day) flax seed powder, vitamins and other supplements, as they are supposed to be supplements used to add to the nutitrion of your daily meals.

Aside from all that...what do you do if your strength and endurance comes from supplements, and then you go to the field?  You won't have the place to store, the time to take and  the way to resupply this stuff.

Research it yourself.  Assess the way you eat first.  Use Canada's Food Guide as a starting point if you've never seen it before.  Determine what your goals are.  While supp's help you reach that?

Now, there are some people who are pro and some that are against supplements.  I will tell you, I take GNC MegaMan multivitamins, cod liver oil pills, and ferrous sulfate daily.  I also use Iso Xp protein powder sometimes, when its late, I am short time, etc and chuck a shake back rather than missing a meal, grab some fruit and out the door I go.  But I always try to eat my protein, not drink it.

Research it some, take all the info and opinions, and decide what works for you.
about vitamins : News Keeps Getting Worse for Vitamins, NY Times, November 20, 2008

The best efforts of the scientific community to prove the health benefits
of vitamins keep falling short.

This week, researchers reported the disappointing results from a large
clinical trial of almost 15,000 male doctors taking vitamins E and C for
a decade. The study showed no meaningful effect on cancer rates.

Another recent study found no benefit of vitamins E and C for heart

In October, a major trial studying whether vitamin E and selenium could
lower a man’s risk for prostate cancer ended amidst worries that the
treatments may do more harm than good.

And recently, doctors at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York
warned that vitamin C seems to protect not just healthy cells but cancer cells,

Everyone needs vitamins, which are critical for the body. But for most people,
the micronutrients we get from foods usually are adequate to prevent vitamin
deficiency, which is rare in the United States. That said, some extra vitamins
have proven benefits, such as vitamin B12 supplements for the elderly and
folic acid for women of child-bearing age. And calcium and vitamin D in women
over 65 appear to protect bone health.

But many people gobble down large doses of vitamins believing that they boost
the body’s ability to mop up damaging free radicals that lead to cancer and heart
disease. In addition to the more recent research, several reports in recent years
have challenged the notion that megadoses of vitamins are good for you.

A Johns Hopkins School of Medicine review of 19 vitamin E clinical trials of more
than 135,000 people showed high doses of vitamin E (greater than 400 IUs)
increased a person’s risk for dying during the study period by 4 percent. Taking
vitamin E with other vitamins and minerals resulted in a 6 percent higher risk of
dying. Another study of daily vitamin E showed vitamin E takers had a 13 percent
higher risk for heart failure.

The Journal of Clinical Oncology published a study of 540 patients with head and
neck cancer who were being treated with radiation therapy. Vitamin E reduced side
effects, but cancer recurrence rates among the vitamin users were higher, although
the increase didn’t reach statistical significance.

A 1994 Finland study of smokers taking 20 milligrams a day of beta carotene showed
an 18 percent higher incidence of lung cancer among beta carotene users. In 1996,
a study called Caret looked at beta carotene and vitamin A use among smokers and
workers exposed to asbestos, but the study was stopped when the vitamin users
showed a 28 percent higher risk for lung cancer and a 26 percent higher risk of dying
from heart disease.

A 2002 Harvard study of more than 72,000 nurses showed that those who consumed
high levels of vitamin A from foods, multivitamins and supplements had a 48 percent
higher risk for hip fractures than nurses who had the lowest intake of vitamin A.

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews looked at vitamin C studies for treating
colds. Among more than two dozen studies, there was no overall benefit for preventing
colds, although the vitamin was linked with a 50 percent reduction in colds among people
who engaged in extreme activities, such as marathon runners, skiers and soldiers, who
were exposed to significant cold or physical stress. The data also suggested vitamin C use
was linked with less severe and slightly shorter colds.

In October 2004, Copenhagen researchers reviewed seven randomized trials of beta carotene,
selenium and vitamins A, C and E (alone or in combination) in colon, esophageal, gastric,
pancreatic and liver cancer. The antioxidant users had a 6 percent higher death rate than
placebo users.

Two studies presented to the American College of Cardiology in 2006 showed that vitamin B
doesn’t prevent heart attacks, leading The New England Journal of Medicine to say that the
consistency of the results “leads to the unequivocal conclusion” that the vitamins don’t help
patients with established vascular disease.

The British Medical Journal looked at multivitamin use among elderly people for a year but
found no difference in infection rates or visits to doctors.

Despite a lack of evidence that vitamins actually work, consumers appear largely unwilling
to give them up. Many readers of the Well blog say the problem is not the vitamin but poorly
designed studies that use the wrong type of vitamin, setting the vitamin up to fail. Industry
groups such as the Council for Responsible Nutrition also say the research isn’t well designed
to detect benefits in healthy vitamin users.