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VRAB Entitlement Reviews


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Just a general question. Anyone know off hand how much the lump sum would be for a Favourable Tinnitus Appeal Entitlement Review for five-fifths? That would be the highest wouldn't it?
The five-fifths only deals with VAC attributing 100% of your tinnitus to your service.
To figure out how much VAC will be pay P&S, you need to use Table 9.3 to know your disability rating.
Hi I was just successful with a VRAB entitlement review. What happens now and timelines if anyone knows. On VAC account now shows a reassessment for the condition but no further info available. Thanks
Hi I was just successful with a VRAB entitlement review. What happens now and timelines if anyone knows. On VAC account now shows a reassessment for the condition but no further info available. Thanks
After a favourable hearing, the file is sent back to VAC to handle payments. Should be reasonably quick from there, but I don't know the exact time frames.
Hi I was just successful with a VRAB entitlement review. What happens now and timelines if anyone knows. On VAC account now shows a reassessment for the condition but no further info available. Thanks

I got my favourable decision weeks ago I have received nothing else since. They don’t even have one of their fake processing time things for this. You just have to wait until enough people get fed up and sue them.
I hear ya. I've been waiting over a month now (including Christmas Break) since my VRAB Appeal hearing was Favourable. Still waiting on VAC to complete their adjudication on the percentage. Hopefully soon.
I hear ya. I've been waiting over a month now (including Christmas Break) since my VRAB Appeal hearing was Favourable. Still waiting on VAC to complete their adjudication on the percentage. Hopefully soon.

I first applied for chronic LBP in November of 2019 and I am STILL waiting for it to be finished.

VAC is waiting for us to die…literally, no hyperbole…they’re hoping we die.
My Appeal for DDD Lumbar Spine from the time I submitted the request for an Appeal to the date of when VRAB send their Decision, it was a goddman 2 year process. And still waiting for VAC now for their decision. It's like one long wait after another. Out of the whole process, the fastest part was the VRAB Decision. They made the decision in just 2 weeks after the Appeal Board hearing.
My Appeal for DDD Lumbar Spine from the time I submitted the request for an Appeal to the date of when VRAB send their Decision, it was a goddman 2 year process. And still waiting for VAC now for their decision. It's like one long wait after another. Out of the whole process, the fastest part was the VRAB Decision. They made the decision in just 2 weeks after the Appeal Board hearing.
Same. Hearing the end of November, decision before Christmas. The other 4 plus years were VAC and BPA getting their shit together (they didn’t).
I emailed VAC asking about when I might see my DDD Lumbar Spine claim go Complete for the Adjudication on the percentage and they said they are finalizing it now in the final stage. So hopefully I will see something in the next week or so.
...And STILL waiting on VAC zzzzzzzzzz

I am still waiting goin*on a month since I ‘won’. Funny how if you owe them money, better cough it up right away or we charge interest…but they can take their sweet time paying you.
Finally. Mine went Complete status yesterday with the PSC Monthly Amount showing so now it's just wait to receive my Decision Letter with Lump Sum form next week or so. About Jesus time lol.
Been waiting a few weeks now after getting my VRAB decision. There's nothing to adjudicate as it came with the percentage increase in the decision so they just need to send me the disability worksheet and implement it. Taking their sweet time. I called them to find out if there are any timeframes they have to abide by, apparently there are none.
Yea, even mine had the percentage and VAC took their slow time. I finally received Complete status from VAC on the adjudication a month after the VRAB Decision so I would say any day now for you. Then it was another week before I received the VAC Decision Letter along with the Lump Sum Form.
Did you get anything in the myvac application status? Mine is for an application that's already marked complete
And still waiting. It's at final step according to vac when calling but can't say when it will be done