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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Like the dozen + others lurking, I've been following this thread for the last few days;  I've got to say, it's been pretty funny...  I love a good roast, especially when the meat is so fatty.  The line of BS coming out of booty makes my bowels quiver with a sort of sympathy squit.  I honestly can't believe he has gone on so long with this after being repeatedly torn down by people who have actually been where he pretends to have been and have done what he pretends to do on his weekends.

I've chuckled away at this thread for the last day or so, both at home and at work... I was actually sad when it was locked up for that short while and was hoping it would be reopened for some more fun...  but during that brief down time, I went back and re-read his original post and almost became physically ill.  If that what he thinks combat is, he needs to give his head a shake. And I think I could name quite a few people who would be more than happy to help him shake it.
The fact that he thinks that tripe will "help" troops fight actually pisses me off... even more so when people who have been there and done that for real are here telling him to 'shove it'.

Why do these people do this?  What is he trying to gain?  and if he is legit, why doesn't he prove it with solid evidence?


I just don't understand these god damn poser clowns...  Is it for the beers in the legions? the 'respect of peers'?  the glory?  'cause, I gotta tell ya, I would gladly give up any of that to have the shrapnel out of my body, a good night sleep without pills and all my brothers back... and I know there are a lot of people on this forum who feel the same.  The fact that he's trying to glorify all of it for some sick gain makes me want to punch kittens.

Now that I've vented a bit, I'm just going to go back to lurking.

If anything, Ive learned more about service numbers in one read than in the past twenty years of service ...  :P

Unfortunately if the guy had his facts wrong before, he's got a lot of info on how to sharpen up his story now.

In_my_day said:
Gents, good afternoon.  Please excuse the intrusion but as you will be aware this thread has an "international following"!!  I did register the other day, wrote a post but was beaten to the wire by the thread being locked.  Without wading through the whole thread again, being very aware that my credentials are no more apparent than his, please accept from memory the following;

(Edited to remove bulk of post, but all points would be more or less IMHO "Gospel")

Hope these points are relevent, as you would hear on this side of the pond, why let the truth stand in the way of a good dit!!

My regards to all those who have, who are and who will serve alongside UK forces and especially those that have paid the ultimate price. The response from the Canadian public to these returning warriors is an example that unfortunately is not followed elsewhere.


Nice to see someone with a reasonable amount of authority on the subject I_M_D

Has Mr.Booty decided that it's far too hot in the veritable "Kitchen of Unmasking" that is this thread?

If so i'd like to introduce you to a "Walt" of the most pathetic variety, Master Micheal Golden late of "2 Para" (I think not!)http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/Pte_Golden it's now a dead post  apparently but would make hilarious reading if it wasn't so pathetic!
Flawed Design said:
It's nice to see some of the old dogs getting exercise.  ;D
This fellow really brought out the detectives, I'd almost think Booty was a senior army.ca member just having some fun. He's clearly RTFO.

Lots of new 1 day old "ya this guy sucks!" posters, I trust the mods are keeping an eye on ISPs to avoid the usual.

WTF are you insinuating!!?? I've "posed" before, but not in this manner!!  >:D

I'm a lil bit freakin insulted he couldn't even ante me up a chaps pic. Hmmmm, perhaps one of the new members from accross the pond can provide new stuff for my album ...

Oh ... this thread is awesome btw ...  ;D
It would appear that even though Booty is still lurking, he has blocked my attempts to PM him...too funny!!!
ArmyVern said:
WTF are you insinuating!!?? I've "posed" before, but not in this manner!!  >:D

I'm a lil bit freakin insulted he couldn't even ante me up a chaps pic. Hmmmm, perhaps one of the new members from accross the pond can provide new stuff for my album ...

Oh ... this thread is awesome btw ...  ;D


Be aware, as you try to out the Walts, Vern mission is to out the lads in chaps and have them take pictures.

Be aware be very very aware!


Alright Vern - I'm gonna have to call you out on your 'posing' - post pics and we'll let you go!  :o
RHFC_piper said:
I just don't understand these god damn poser clowns...  Is it for the beers in the legions? the 'respect of peers'?  the glory?  'cause, I gotta tell ya, I would gladly give up any of that to have the shrapnel out of my body, a good night sleep without pills and all my brothers back... and I know there are a lot of people on this forum who feel the same.  The fact that he's trying to glorify all of it for some sick gain makes me want to punch kittens.

You want to punch kittens?
That's horrible.
ArmyVern said:
WTF are you insinuating!!?? I've "posed" before, but not in this manner!!  >:D

I'm a lil bit freakin insulted he couldn't even ante me up a chaps pic. Hmmmm, perhaps one of the new members from accross the pond can provide new stuff for my album ...

Oh ... this thread is awesome btw ...  ;D

Just so the guys from Arrse know, even though we have to keep all our posts clean here, ArmyVern is probably the strongest contender to be our equivalent of MDN.

Hey, who wants to make the introduction?  >:D
Flawed Design said:
You want to punch kittens?


No matter how hard I try, and no matter how much I say I want to, I can never bring myself to actually do it...

They're my Kryptonite...

But, booty, if you keep up this charade, I will punch this kitten... (not really)

Flawed Design said:
That's horrible.

I know... I'm garbage.
Yoo hoo Booty, where are you buddy? This thread is missing your infinite wisdom and strength. C'mon back and school us poor, ignorant saps. :warstory:
Jammer said:
It would appear that even though Booty is still lurking, he has blocked my attempts to PM him...too funny!!!

I just tried to PM him with an invite to his coming out party and found that I too am blocked!
Too bad we can't PM him his appointment as Honourary Colonel of the Boy's Own AirborneMarineForceSouth AfricanPara SpecialBoatServiceMessKitRepair Battalion (Ranger)
I think the reason there are so many new posters, poms like me included, on this thread is it's generating lots of interest on ARRSE.

This walt looks like he's in the UK so under the terms of the Geneva Walt Convention we get to help "out" him.
Atleast you're not punching puppies. Cats aren't really THAT important :)

This kinda reminds me of that fellow on here a while back who eluded to being JTF but wouldn't come out and say it. Remember that dork? All his Deeds not words *taps side of nose* crap.

I STILL think Booty is Infidl6 or someone having fun  ;D
Oh dear!I just tried to invite him to an "Unmask the masquerader party" it appears that ALL private messages to Booty are blocked.........isn't that similar to sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting "LALALALA!! I can't HEAR you!!!"?  ;D

BTW "Punching Kittens" is that to make sure they are not used again on the return trip?

But then again, I've never seen a Seal out Night "Clubbing" either!
the 48th regulator said:

Be aware, as you try to out the Walts, Vern mission is to out the lads in chaps and have them take pictures.

Be aware be very very aware!



Especially if you are in a Russian Theatre/Band..... ;D
Holy cow, go away for a bit to actually, you know... Work. AND I MISSED ALL THIS!!! None of you called me?!

You are all off of my Christmas card list!
12minden said:
This walt looks like he's in the UK so under the terms of the Geneva Walt Convention we get to help "out" him.

My IP trace is stopping in Edinburgh.