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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

I smell a Walt.

Booty.  You may or may not have served, but what exactly was your point in posting this "I am so great, all of you should love me" story?  I'm not questioning your credentials (yet), but just your motives.

Did you get kicked off arrse.co.uk, perhaps?
;D Thanks RadOp, I know, I spent a day there on my JNCO cadre (I am NOT SAYING I COMPLETED P-COY for the record) getting thrashed, which is why his references to it have piqued my curiosity.

Also, my tp recce sgt in my last sqn was P-Coy staff before posting to my sqn.
Towards_the_gap said:
Please do so.

Oh ye of little faith and minds. ::)

Not a problem. I have full life membership of the following. The Royal British Legion, The Royal Canadian Legion,and The Royal Marines Association.

You can only have membership of any by proven service. I am on the headquarters roll for all.
This one is funny..
I guess the pre-deloyment leave honeydo list will have to wait a bit longer today... ;D
Towards_the_gap said:
;D Thanks RadOp, I know, I spent a day there on my JNCO cadre (I am NOT SAYING I COMPLETED P-COY for the record) getting thrashed, which is why his references to it have piqued my curiosity.

Also, my tp recce sgt in my last sqn was P-Coy staff before posting to my sqn.

Sorry, I was wondering myself and had googled it before you asked the second time. My bad  :-[
No worries RadOp, at least everyone else can see what he is referencing to.

So booty, are you claiming to have completed P-coy?
Booty said:
Oh ye of little faith and minds. ::)

Not a problem. I have full life membership of the following. The Royal British Legion, The Royal Canadian Legion,and The Royal Marines Association.

You can only have membership of any by proven service. I am on the headquarters roll for all.
Yes, and these associations of Retirees have never been conned by a barely slick Walt either.  Membership in these associations proves nothing.

... and it doesn't put you in a good light when you question peoples intellect like that.  Thin ice lad.  But, I have a hunch that you're used to that kind of thing.

Sings to himself... Walt, walt, walt...
Towards_the_gap said:
Ermm, that doesn't really help, as in my 6 years in HM Forces, I never heard of it. Wat is the reference to BATUS anyways? Is that where it was located?

Are you a Royal Marine? If not then you would know jack s about the programme.eh. Whether it be out of BATUS,Condor or anywhere else. ;)

I have no idea what your service is but you sure need to lighten up and get out there.
Right I've got too much stuff to do here to keep on outing a walt.

Booty- If you have indeed served in the units you claim to, bragging about it on an anonymous forum only raises peoples suspicion. Especially from those who have served, and can spots the holes in peoples stories.

If you haven't served, then quit the charade. It's boring, and you are not impressing anyone.

By the way, in regards to your initial story - NAIADS are placed upwind. Not downwind. Check your 'Survive to Fight', that is, if you were ever issued one.
Booty said:
Oh ye of little faith and minds. ::)

Not a problem. I have full life membership of the following. The Royal British Legion, The Royal Canadian Legion,and The Royal Marines Association.

You can only have membership of any by proven service. I am on the headquarters roll for all.

Wrong, but nice try. These days most Canadian Legions will allow people to join without prior military service. I don't agree with it, but that's the way it is. You still haven't proven anything, and I seriously doubt if you will. Saying you belong to these organizations on the internet is easy to do, hard to prove.

Booty said:
Oh ye of little faith and minds. ::)

Not a problem. I have full life membership of the following. The Royal British Legion, The Royal Canadian Legion,and The Royal Marines Association.

You can only have membership of any by proven service. I am on the headquarters roll for all.

Actually, no, at least not for the RCL. Previous service is not a requirement for membership. I know many executive members of the org that have never served a day in the Forces. I've also never heard the Executive called the headquarters.
Booty said:
Quiver away. I can prove my service. ;)

Hmmm, well, just so you know, there are several things in your little ego talk there that are causing me to "question".

Not the least of which, being the language used, and the references throughout. Was it purposely dumbed down for a civilian audience?
Please post your RM Service number - but replace 3 numerals with * so that it stays relatively anonymous.

I am willing to do the same -

6 years service in the Royal Engineers, Army Number 25133***. Just so there are no doubts
Just so nobody get tarred with the same brush. My experience from working with the RM on deployments has been very positive. I found ALL of them to be the epitome of the "quiet professionals".  I guess this one (if it is one), got the snot kicked out of him in the Commandos because of...well I suppose we all have had to work with one at one time or another.
However, some entertainment can't be bought.
2 Cdo said:
Wrong, but nice try. These days most Canadian Legions will allow people to join without prior military service. I don't agree with it, but that's the way it is. You still haven't proven anything, and I seriously doubt if you will. Saying you belong to these organizations on the internet is easy to do, hard to prove.

Wrong. Only as associate family members and never as Headquarters roll. You show the CA airborne logo, what is your wings/coin number?