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want to join but wife says no

Dogboy said:
want to join but wife says no
convincing my family is not so hard. But how do i convince my wife to let me enlist?
shes sure ill be gone for over a year, and have to kill people, and get killed.
I know that i MAY have to shoot in anger, and i may die in a horrible event,
but what are the real chances of that?
any thoughts ?

P.S. this board is very helpful for people wanting a strait answer before enlisting.
thanks all

First off, you should never shoot in anger.  Anger is when people have their stupidest ideas and least clarity about a situation.

Second, my wife was strongly opposed to what I wanted to do (join the reserves).  It wasn't until she came with me to several info sessions at different armouries that she started to change her mind.  She was allowed to ask her own questions and get the answer directly from people in the CF as opposed to me asking -should I remember- and telling her what I remembered of the answer.

It also helped that we got a puppy.  :)
Here is my infantry two cents:

I have been in the military for 10 years now and the pace of work seems to be getting faster and faster.  Ended a relationship to join the military and ever since have had many girlfriends, not many of whom could fully support my career.  I bought a house in Petawawa 4 years ago and have actually lived in it for approximately 1 year complete.  You have to realize your goals.  The separation rate in the infantry is high, especially with all the tours.  Your wife has to know what she is getting into.  There are books available, written by military wives, that will outline what can be expected.
It is not only the exercises, tours, and courses that you have to attend to make a prosperous career.  Don't try to fool anyone, you will be going into hostile environments were people want to kill you.  Coming from Afghanistan and losing three exceptional soldiers is enough proof for anyone.  The infantry is a dangerous job.
If your wife supports you then hold on to her.  Just prioritize your goals.

Pro Patria
BDTyre said:
It also helped that we got a puppy.

This is an excellent suggestion/idea!  One of my wife's major concerns was that I would be away for so long over the first couple of years.  She doesn't have much in the way of support groups where we live.  We got a puppy and I can already see the brightening of her days and a change in her attitude about me leaving for training soon.  So a dog's unconditional love is a great thing and has helped me too.
This is kinda funny, considering my earlier JOKE about the pants wearin ...

To be honest, I'm having the same problem with my girlfriend -- not so much about joining RegF, cause she is fully supportive of that, but rather she is being tough on my desired trade.

Basically, I ran into a road block when I recently told her that I would like to go RegF Pilot (Helicopter).

Her response was a straight-out "no," stating that the trade was far too dangerous. I find this odd, since I'm in the infantry (although ResF), and, among other dangers, we ride in the egg-beaters -- but, hey, she's entitled to her opinion.

So, I'm now working through a strategy to oversome this obstacle. I know the issues are not the same, but the overall concern is. I'll let you know how I make out and we can do a lessons learned or AAR.