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***Warning *** York University Protest

Scarf Face said:
A bunch of people got together and bitched about how unfair the world is. The end.

Long haired, dope smoking, bandana wearing, potato salad eating...

And those are the NORMAL  students ;D
Slim said:
...potato salad eating...


I Like Potato Salad....

It goes well with my Steak.....

So whats red and Orange and looks good on hippies....

.... Fire......
+1 for Slim and Cpl Thompson ;D

Maybe we should keep an eye on these seditious wenches (although looks mostly American).


So when is the next one and where?
One coming up in front of Dennison Armories on 07 Feb.  Organized by "homes not bombs".
Apparently they have difficulty with the fact that the freedom to demonstrate is guaranteed by the military symbols that they choose to denigrate.

I suggest a great number of fire hoses and free beer for male spectators - turn this into a celebration of the female body!
GO!!! said:
...I suggest a great number of fire hoses and free beer for male spectators - turn this into a celebration of the female body!...


Oh that just made my weekend!

strange how these people in their Idealistic logic seem to forget the evil people who exist in this world when they do the math....

"but if we get rid of guns and bombs then all that is left are shiney happy people holding hands... and cute fuzzy little bunny rabbits, and squrriels...etc...etc..."

Sigh.....    and this is who we protect.....

oh well.... at least most of em grow out of it...

Right?..... right?.....
I'm sure Al-Qaida and it's fighters will respond well to hundreds of women in tight pink t-shirts asking them to leave the country >:D
GO!!! said:
Apparently they have difficulty with the fact that the freedom to demonstrate is guaranteed by the military symbols that they choose to denigrate.

I suggest a great number of fire hoses and free beer for male spectators - turn this into a celebration of the female body!

Hmmm, I'm not so sure about that.  Having seen my fair share of hippie protester chicks, I have found them to be generally unattractive and misshapen.  I think that's why the joining the cause...they are artificially put into a social setting with equally nebbish guys.  Both feel they are too enlightened to get hung up on such concepts as "fugly" or "*** like a bus" or "hairy like a Sasquatch", so they have to feign intellectual attraction.  Hosing these ones down would likely be the same as going to a nude beach in Greece.  Sure you could see all you want to, but you will ultimately want to dig your eyes out with a spoon.
Piper said:
That'd get two birds with one stone. Offend Al Qaida and remove a significant number of let-wing apologetics and hippies.

Excellent!! Let us prepare to put OP "Pink T" in effect...Go-phrase to be "hide behind the hippies"
Sig_Des said:
Excellent!! Let us prepare to put OP "Pink T" in effect...Go-phrase to be "hide behind the hippies"

I wonder if they would change their pacifist ways once they all start getting shot to hell by AK's and beaten with steel cables?

Sgt: "hey Pte, you hear that sound?"

Pte: "you mean the sound of those Taliban types beating the hippies while they scream for help and mercy sgt?"

Sgt: "yup... that right there is sound of enlightenment"
Remember those dinks that went to Iraq to be human shields, then got upset when they were going to be tacked onto radar installations and missile launchers.  Man, I wish someone would publish their names, photo's and addresses so they could be reminded for life that they are idiots.
once again, my argument for why we should have a Licensing system in place for people who want to procreate....

if you need a license to own a gun, or hunt, or fish, or drive, why not one for breeding...

just give them some basic simple tests to see if they're smart enough to raise a child.

if they fail they get their tubes tied.

just a safe simple easy way to get a few more of these idiots off the planet...

(failing that, just remove all the warning labels on things and let the hilarity ensure)

There once was a magical place where evil never happened, it was called Middle income canadian youths,
but oh my, one day a very bad man crashed some planes into towers, killing thousands including 50 canadians,
"But its not their fault" said the naieve witch of Toronto "They have been oppressed by american imperialism"
Then many moons later, These poor creatures got jobs and paid bills and actually watched the news, oh they had beleived lies.....

If only these sheltered idiots left the campus (or this country) for five minutes saw the world as not just a place to swap neat ideas and express your mind...
I thought that we were taking care of this problem by decriminalizing marijuana?  Are'nt they supposed to be more mellow and relaxed now?  We should just be able to give them a bag of Cheetos and one of those visual illusion books and have them be on their way........
Ex-fusilier said:
I thought that we were taking care of this problem by decriminalizing marijuana?  Aren't they supposed to be more mellow and relaxed now?  We should just be able to give them a bag of Cheetos and one of those visual illusion books and have them be on their way........

Not a bad idea on the surface, but as a rule chronic pot heads don't know they are pot heads and end up thinking that their fractured view of the world actually has validity. 

Put into law the "Conscientious Persons Helpfulness Act".  There by if you demonstrate about an issue, you are immediately taken and pressed into service to rectify the problem.  No blood for oil?  We then, hell boy!  Git on the plane and git over there, do some good and let us know how it works out. 
"HMMM.  The campus is really quiet this semester"

BTW, upon proclamation of this order, I will be organizing a protest to highlight the plight of the oppressed Montreal stripper.  Please join me in a show of solidarity for our exploited sisters.
zipperhead_cop said:
BTW, upon proclamation of this order, I will be organizing a protest to highlight the plight of the oppressed Montreal stripper.  Please join me in a show of solidarity for our exploited sisters.

Amen - I will baptise her white sheeted body with the holy Grolsch brew whilst she sits on my lap.

Think this will count as community service?