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What Courses will you be taking this summer?

What Courses will you be taking this summer?

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This summer i personally will be doing my bmq(reserves) for 21 days straight or whatever i think that should be atime and a halfbut i am curious to know what everyone else is going to
QL1??  do you mean QL3?

I am also hopefully going for BMQ this summer (my testing is in an hour)
I've got BOTP this summer as well as Second Language Training.
I am gonna assume that Ap is from IAP, which i will be doing this summer.
Finnishing off CP-140 MOAT course and the hopefully sea survival and Basic EW and of course start working on my category upgrade
i was told today i will start work up training for afghanistan this summer. i guess they are critically short of drivers, they said i will most likely be driving around the psy-ops guys.
DP 1.2 Infantry

Hopefully my last summer in sunny Gagtown for a while.
Hopefully BMQ

Interview is on 06MAY2005 

So i Hope it goes a little quicker than normal and I can get my kit ASAP.
If all goes well I should be off St-Jean on the 10 week plan.