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What Should I Expect In Meaford?

foerestedwarrior said:
Meaford has recieved some new realestate, in the form of. A building(under construction) for instructors(single quarters), better for preping for class and the such. A movie theater(not sure of size of state of contruction. A new FIBUA building for simunition, 100% wired for video and such. All buildings of the FIB site are now wired with video and other gadgets(not just eh one big building).

There was a huge injection of cash into the base, and the new base CMD used it all fairly well so I was told, I will wait to see how ti all turns out.

When did this start happening?
Owen Sound is down the road, and if your into Cougars....well thats the place for you!  Have fun watching the wildlife....careful thou, they bite.

foerestedwarrior said:
Meaford has recieved some new realestate, in the form of. A building(under construction) for instructors(single quarters), better for preping for class and the such. A movie theater(not sure of size of state of contruction. A new FIBUA building for simunition, 100% wired for video and such. All buildings of the FIB site are now wired with video and other gadgets(not just eh one big building).

There was a huge injection of cash into the base, and the new base CMD used it all fairly well so I was told, I will wait to see how ti all turns out.

No new "real estate" as in land, but I assume you meant buildings. Also no. The construction you speak of is renovating the top floor of one of the dorms into more comfortable digs (since the established single quarters fill up rapidly). They look comfortable, as long as you don't expect telephone or internet services. The movie theatre is the old Indirect Fire Trainer room. Don't know the state of progress on it, but it should be able to sit ~50 people. The FIBUA site has no new buildings, save the old ARC OR trailer which now serves as a video operator / debriefing room. Only one FIBUA building is currently wired for video, plus two pole mounted cameras, but hopefully soon the contractor will be back to wire the remaining buildings.There is also a lot more construction going on behind the scenes, (plug on) the better to serve you (plug off) 8)
Pte Cowden, I am a member of the RHLI and if you pass the course you are on with the NCO's that you have then you should be just fine.  I will be sure to inform your instructors of your concerns about Meaford.  Just keep your mouth shut and do as your told when your told and you should come out just fine.

Here's a picture of the past training weekend (22-24 April), while we were on the ranges firing C6.....

Expect the unexpected!!