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When your rental SUV loses to an F-16

Michael OLeary

Army.ca Fixture
Reaction score
Glad It’s a Rental

Seems a pair of soldiers were driving a rented SUV at a test and training range out west one night. Seems an F-16 pilot was getting some target practice at the time. Seems the SUV was in the target area. Seems the pilot was a good shot.

A local spokesman said the soldiers were not hit but suffered minor injuries "while exiting the vehicle in rough terrain." Personally, any minor injuries I suffered while bailing out of a vehicle and running away while being shot at with REALLY big bullets would be a welcome alternative.

The soldiers had been training to identify enemy targets and direct aircraft to fire on them. And to this, all we can say is, “Now you know what it feels like.”

Have you ever seen those little stick-on “bullet hole” decals you can get for your car? This is what the jumbo version would look like. I just wish we had a photo of the expression on the face of the car-rental employee when this one was towed back in.

Update: According to an Air Force news release, investigators determined that this mishap was due to pilot error. "The cause of the accident was the failure of the pilot to positively identify the intended target during the nighttime, close air support training sortie," the news release said. The F-16 pilot had been wearing night-vision goggles while firing the jet's 20 millimeter canon. He briefly lost sight of the target area as rolled and began the strafing run, then misidentified the SUV as the target, which was actually 1.5 miles away. The two soldiers in the SUV were part of a different training project on the range.

makes you wonder if they took out the optional insurance package for those unforseen accidents
They were probably driving off-read which renders the insurance null and void...

Hmmm... methinks they'll be needing new underwear
Reminds me of Jackass where they take the demolished car back to the lot.

What are they gonna say?

"Ummm well ya you know how it is, couple drinks, you're buddy brought his new F-16 over to show the guys..."
Johnny Knoxville and Steve-O in an SUV being shot at by an F-16. Oh man, what a segment that would make.
I am impressed by the grouping, but he needs to lead his target a little better next time.
I am impressed by the grouping, but am further impressed by the SUV driver's ability  to keep that grouping away from crew and engine.
Those soldiers are lucky the bullet holes are at the rear of the vehicle, and not the front.
Like a rock...but not bulletproof! (or shall I saw cannon proof)  ;)
Greetings dear guests and members.

I was noticing this (its even our our defence network), the impact holes are horizontal to each other, and paralell to the ground, so unless the jet was 3 ft off the ground, methinks this is from something else, almost like 12 ga blasts, as these holes are enterance holes.

One would think the strikes would be from a much steeper angle, and the roof and bonnet etc. ther should also be more fragment damage too

I am tending to think this is a pic which is from another incident.

Your thoughts?

Humblely yours,

A fighter making a cannon firing run on a range, target range 1.5 miles, I would expect a very low angle of entry.  Without further details, better photos, a good presentation of the range and target area topography and clear evidence to the contrary, I see no reason to doubt the story as reported.

BTW, what 12 gauge ammo would make holes that size in a vehicle side panel?

Michael O`Leary said:
A fighter making a cannon firing run on a range, target range 1.5 miles, I would expect a very low angle of entry.  Without further details, better photos, a good presentation of the range and target area topography and clear evidence to the contrary, I see no reason to doubt the story as reported.

BTW, what 12 gauge ammo would make holes that size in a vehicle side panel?

Dear Sir,

The only cannon experience is M242 for me, with TPT, AP and MP natures. Even a  km away or more trajectory is evident on the strikes I have seen on our targets. Thats 25mm, and the holes are much smaller than those presented, even with HE. There is no blast or frag damage evident on the interior that I can see, when there should be.

I have been around several FAC courses with F-18's as staff, and have watched air to ground with the onboard cannon many times too numerous to mention, along with 500 Lb HE bombs etc.

With all the stuff we see on the INet these days, I am tending to doubt a pic and a few words. Examine the pic carefully please, you can see by the splashes the trajectory is parallel, not from any angle.

As for 12ga, for close up using shotshells, not slugs, and from the car doors I have shot, its similar. I am not saying its from a 12 ga, just overall doubting its from an airstrike.

With coming 34 yrs service in two armies, I am not an inexperienced or niave person, just passing on some very valid thoughts and points.

Thankyou Sir, for reading my post.

Kind regards,

Overwatch Downunder said:
With coming 34 yrs service in two armies, I am ot an inexperienceds or niave person.

Nor am I.  I also have some experience on various ranges and am FAC qualified.  I don't find grounds to doubt the story based solely on the photo, but am willing to keep an open mind if new information is provided.