recceguy said:
Your the one that inferred no one would want to work with an ethical partner. You wear it. If the majority here think that's not what you meant, I'll stand corrected.
Since you are the only one with a reasonable comprehension of the substance of my objection to the
Legalization of Protection for Informants, I will do you the courtesy of clarifying my meanings and
In the matter of "New Partner", I did not state that I would not work with him, but how would you feel ?.
Maybe I'm alone marching to this drummer, But I would always be looking over my shoulder. (not that I'd
be doing anything wrong), but by what yardstick does this Chap measure a wrong doing by and might he
have a personal agenda.
Many a well intensional laws have a uncanny way of coming back and turning into monsters or at least
loopholes against the very things they were designed for. I feel that the Law in question would start off
well intentional but could be used through manipulation to create a Society of Informers in all walks of life.
As for those perfect, righteous, politically correct and Puritans who would never think of taking the odd role of Scotch tape home from the office,drive over 20km in a School Zone,drive 75k in a 55k,take a 30min break
instead of 15,forget to give back over change of $10.00 to a cashier,dump they car ashtrays in the parking
lot,spit or discard wrappers on a public sidewalk,creative reporting on tax returns,padding expense & taxi
receipts.Has his buddy watch out while he grabs 30winks on guard duty at 0200, So don,t you think a person who does even a quarter of these things should be reported and punished. Ridiculous you say, or do we use a yardstick to measure the severity, after all a crime is a crime, So your best Buddy decides he just
can't stand your inappropriate behavior and turns you in. Well good for him, he'll still be your best Buddy
after you get out of the Stockade. So hence don't, wish for a Law, you might get more than you wished
For CFL, Rewards you say, Ridicule, Disdain and Threats, I wonder why that is. For coming home alive in
which the circumstances you give as an example are highly unlikely please you can do better than that, but your reasoning sounds pretty self-serving.
Again certain members are using this opportunity to take shots at the Military Police, well I guess thats
par for the course.
KevinB, I don't remember asking for any apology for myself or opinions, but I did find it objectable that
they should reflect on the MP Branch as a whole. If you are finding it difficult to distingwish between my personal opinions and the opinions and attitudes of the MP Branch, I suggest you might consult one of your
learned colleagues to explain it to you.
Recceguy, I apologize for using the latter part of this quote to you for addressing other matters and Members.