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Who is my "Commander of the Command"?

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I'm preparing an application to enter a civilian sports competition right now and as per the CFAOs it says that it has to be approved by the Commander of the Command.  I'm posted to 442 Sqn (Search and Rescue), 19 Wing Comox so I suppose I would be under the Air Command and therefore the Commander of that Command is LGen Watt.  I was just wondering if I might be under any lower command because it seems a little strange that the memo would have to go that far up in the chain.  Any ideas?
You have read the CFAO correct.  However, you should check with your chain of command.  It is not unlikely that this authority has been delegated to a lower level.
From your point of view, who approves the application is of no consequence.  You need to make your application to your CO, through your COC.

Approval for this type of event has no doubt been delegated down to a Wing staff officer somewhere in Comox.  Just send a memo up your chain - they'll have access to the appropriate SOPs/Command Orders/Standing Orders, etcetera.

Have fun in the competition!

To answer your direct question.

SAR belongs to Canada Command, and the Commander is LGen Dumais.

(although, I am sure he wont be signing your authority..that responsibility is most likely up to your CO)
rnkelly said:
I'm posted to 442 Sqn (Search and Rescue), 19 Wing Comox so I suppose I would be under the Air Command and therefore the Commander of that Command is LGen Watt. 
What about 1 Cdn Air Div whom all CF Wings are subordinate to? Not to sound critical, but such a question should not be asked by a 2Lt but rather answered by one.

As others have stated, this authority has more then likely been delegated down to the Wing which your COC would be aware of.

But before even going further, why not talk to the PSP staff to get all the pertinent info you require? Often they will have processes in place for these requests as well as all the info you require.
Thanks for the help, I forgot that the authority could be delegated down.  As for a 2Lt having answers, not likely.  I was querying PSP staff but they said it has been a long time since they have had a request like this so they weren't sure.  They should know though, you're right. 
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