Oh gawd ... war story time ...
This one time, this young Pte in Halifax was performing pre-dowtown pub crawl workups on 280. Said Pte worked-up a 'lil too well. Upon visiting the heads (after posting a 'watch' on the doorway), she attempted, with no success, to sort herself out and get her miniskirt back into position prior to leaving heads. Watch had to come in to rescue her due to repeated screams of "Help!! I can't find my skirt!!!" ... Watch eventually entered heads along with gathered spectators who had overheard screams or were awaiting the heads themselves ...
Young Pte was rescued by one brave soul who walked over and said "holy crap Vern" as he reached up to her waist, grabbed skirt which she had pulled up to go, and yanked it down over her ***.
Yes, young Pte was searching around her ankles for said article of clothing. It was a fun evening. I paid for it for days.