Hello from St-Jean Garrison. It is the weekend after week 2, we got our 3's on Friday. Highlights of the first 2 weeks include getting our kit, swim test, CF Xpress test, and of course the infamous sewing. Looking forward to the obstacle course next week. A lot of hard work but we're having a blast. Teamwork is the key and they really stress that here. Anyway, don't have much time. TTYL BTW, I was lucky enough to be 1st Course Senior of our platoon and actually managed to get an "Outstanding" for my efforts. It was tough but we didn't miss a single timing. That and I have absolutely no military background. Anyway, I don't mean to brag because I couldn't have done it without the cooperation of everyone in the platoon. Anyway, to those on there way, just remember, it's a game, a serious game but you gotta keep your sense of humour, and don't let BMQ turn you off to military life. It ends. It is what you make of it and if you come here with a bad attitude, you're not gonna make, let alone have fun. Just my 2 cents. TTYL