Originally posted by centurion:
We find some of your musings confusing, to say the least. At times, you pose questions and opinions that are somewhat thoughtful and open to meaningful debate and discussion. However, at other times you seem so far off the wall (like this thread) that you don‘t seem to know the current goings on. Do you get your info from scraps of overheard conversation you hear in bars frequented by disgrunteld soldiers, or scuttlebutt picked up in the local legion? We find it odd that a serving member of the military, no matter what, regular, reserve or even cadets would think that the new issue kit is superfluous to a soldiers well being and performance. Maybe that‘s the ticket. Have you or do you serve as a soldier? If so, we would be interested in your qualifications and where you may (or may not) be getting your inane ideas. Having worn battledress (and not as a cadet) and now the new gortex, three different generations of fighting order and load carrying gear, I can attest that todays is the best ever. It improves morale, hence performance. Wet and cold soldiers do not performe at peak. To speak of cotton and wool being just as good as today‘s gear is a farce, and anyone with TI (do you have any?) would know better than to make such a statement and insult our intelligence.[/qb]