I was kind of unnerved when I realized the steel screeching sound you hear when the ship is going through waves is the steel going through compression/being put under tension as the ship structure bends, but then I found out some of the couplings on the shaftlines are only held together by friction! Still, after enough years of that, you can see why the steel develops fatigue cracks.
Pretty neat video, thanks!
I wish I could find the picture I had taken along the 2 deck flats on a 280, where the ship was going through heavy rolls, and you can actually see the misalignment between the various doors across several watertight sections. Also, there was a guy at the other end walking partly on a bulkhead, and a bunch of curtains were hanging out on an angle. The camera was orientated so it was parallel to the bulkhead though (as opposed to vertical), so it was all at an angle. It turned out shockingly well by accident, so of course I probably lost it when my laptop got dropped.