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Why we need humvs.

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The Iltis is (with the sea kings) the shame of our army. They are old, doors open while driving, engine wont start, etc. Jacques Duval (a famous car reviewer here in Quebec) even review it. Needless to say, it was quite embarassing.
I think that if we had humvs, life would be better. You dont have to worry about a wheel to come off or something. Its armored and landmine proof, so no more you know what.
Also, I think that would raise our "cool factor" with the public. I think we need the people of this country to believe in their army, and thats not going to happen with the Iltis.
HMMVWs are not landmine proof. Special versions are armoured (survivavble to shell fragments and 7.62 ammunition at short range), although they too will not always survive a landmine blast. But they probably will increase our ‘cool factor"
HMMVWs are to bulky in my opinion for Canadian commitments first of all.

HMMVWs would put the CF in more debt, the fuel usage is high. Maintenance is expensive, having to order expensive parts.
The Silverado‘s I‘d say are an interesting addition to the CF PRes.

Making a long story short... HMMVWs are just in the cool factor... We want what’s best for us, regardless of how it looks, saving lives instead of saving public views.
Hey Dano... ever drive an LSVW???

Didnt think so.. its a p.o.s. 4cyl Turbo diesel engine that gets equally bad millage. the HLVW has a roughly 700km range on a 400Litre diesel Tank, so when it comes down to it, very few vehicles have good milage in the CF.
besides.. army vehicles are special purpose in alot of cases.. you cant expect to have a truck that can do all that the Humvee or HLVW can and also expect good milage..

Fuel Economy is not a legitimate reason to not buy a vehicle that is more then capable of fufilling the needs of two trucks, the LSVW, and in more then a few cases the MLVW. the "Milverado" is a nice vehicle and as a reservist i think it will be fun to drive. but as was dissussed in other threads, it is non-deployable. we cant send a chevy truck over to afghanistan, iraq, bosnia, etc.. the Humvee on the other hand is a much more usefull vehicle. and if you really compare it to some of the other vehicles in the CF its probabbly going to be one of the trucks that will be worth its price tag.
the others in my opinion being the MLVW (you just cant kill an ML) and the HL (being that its a good solid truck.)

also, maintenance costs are negligable as well.. when it comes down to it, the Humvees would break, but no more then an LSVW. talk to soldiers. alot of them will tell you that they want the Humvees, especially soldiers who have gone overseas. the new G-Waggon should be an Excellent replacement for the Reg force providing that the Gov‘t Buys enough of them. but i think the Chevy trucks were bought due to the cool factor since they arnt going to be very usefull in a real operational setting..

That being said im still looking forward to driving them. since hey. they do look pretty cool..
Plus the Humvee wasn‘t even entered into the bidding.

try looking up blown hmmv in the recent pics
all five personel walked/ limped away . Thats including the person sitting over the wheel.
although it may be wide and heavy.I think i can say right now i have operated these things in mined areas . it fits the NYALA‘S /MAMBA‘S MINE CLEARING FOOTSTEPS none of the veh that the canadians are looking at will do that. The HMMV is a lot bettter veh in my OPINION. As to a "cool factor " where have you used these veh? ive used both . and also tried the "milverado " I‘ll stick with my favorite the HMMV
The HMMV and the Iltis are not in the same class, and so it‘s a completely unfair comparison. The Iltis was a pretty good vehicle in its day, and does exactly what it was designed to do. It‘s a rugged, powerful, small all-terrain vehicle that can operate in a myriad of different conditions (when properly serviced). The HMMV is more of a light armoured truck and is more than twice the size of the Iltis. Replacing the LSVW with the Hummer wouldn‘t be a bad idea, but even it has its problems. If you wanted to replace the Iltis (which is due), a more suitable comparison would a Land Rover 110 which is a small Jeep-esque vehicle, and isn‘t some monstrosity of an SUV like the Hummer.
the new models are coming, so i guess they could be them used from th U.S.

There are alot better things out there besides hmmvws the swiss make some fairly cool vehicle‘s that are alot better. all these vehicle‘s have been thought of as unreasonable due to cost, and other things.
I never called down the Iltis . I‘ve driven it many miles and yes it is a good veh. Only problem is that we did not keep building them if we had new ones to replace the worn out ones there would not be this huge brewhaha over replacement. But since we are replaceing them let us replace them with a veh. that fills a safety niche that really isnt thought of by many peaple . . The Nyala travels first , then Hmmv‘s. Its a lot safer then a veh that does not fit the footprint of this veh that was bought for clearing routes but does not have a soft skin veh that fits the tracks. As to it being a huge monstrosity it was designed to be that way . The 110 or even the 190 rovers are good veh‘s. but not designed like the HMMV. The HMMV was over designed . The sticking point for us to purchase it was the parts and build was wanted to be here in Canada .The makers down in the States said nope so here we are back and forthing over the Wolf and Milverado.
NDHQ just announced that it is buying all new armoured vehicles for urban operations. Apparently, they are just as good as the HMMV in small streets such as in Afghanistan.
If we are going to get a limited number of them. Let‘s make sure that we have enough parts for it‘s life cycle.
I always like the old 67 Jeep.
Tried posting this in the other topic, but thought I would have more luck here:

I heard a "rumor" at one point, that the US was willing to equip the Canadian military with Hummers, if we agreed to purchase the parts for a certain number of years? Any fact to this, or is it BS?
Yeah but if its true how many years?It might end up being cheaper not to.
Not since the POS CUCV did the US have a say in the type of vehicles the the CF utilized. Canada has come up with some great vehicles and it looks like teh tradition is continuing. I gotta get back to canada and re-enlist and get my hands on one of those new bad boys.

:evil: :fifty:
I‘m guessing the Pinzgauer line could stack up reasonably well against the HMMWV.

I would think one major argument against Canada acquiring HMMVWsis that they‘ve become a bit of an icon for the American military, don‘t take this as anti-americanisim, but NOT looking like Americans on a battlefield usually serves as a good bit of protection. If you want to put the other guys in a world of hurt, attack an American and blame it on the other guys.

I know it‘s been well proven in desert and open terrain, but of curiousity, how does the hummer make out in wooded areas?
Everyone says that the Hummer is a bad idea...I say "B*&&$#*T to that.

the Hummer could replace three classes of vehicle!

-They could do all the recce stuff.
-All the admin stuff.
-They could double as an MLVW.
-They could double as ADP vehicles.
-they could double as an ambulance. ( by the way when I say "double", I mean that there are modular kits for all of the above configurations!)

So the "expensive" hummer would be bought to replace three other vehs...with all different parts and ...well I‘m sure everyone gets the idea.


So...why in heavens name are we getting the Silverado!!!

I am re-posting this as is so entirely F#&*%@G relevant!
Slim: Having a Hummer doing Recce is like shoveling your driveway with a snowplow. It‘s large and cumbersome, and (I believe) even wider than a Coyote, which is only a long range Recce vehicle.

Having a Hummer for an ambulance also makes less sense as it can only carry 2 casualties, making us require double the amount.

The Canadian army still needs something small, narrow and light, like the Iltis, Jeep, Land Rover, Gelandewagon. Also, the ML is about 3 times the size of a Hummer, so attempting to replace the one with the other is akin to swapping a car for a bicycle. I have a hard time believing that you can carry 18 troops with kit in the back of a HMMV, nor tow a 105 Howitzer with it.

LSVW for HMMV is a fair trade, anything else is just stupid. There is a need and role for a small 4x4 vehicle, and for a large truck; roles that could never be filled by the Hummer.

Finally, bear in mind that the HMMV was designed with North American roads in mind. Driving down a side street in Europe (such as Bosnia) or down dirt tracks in Africa would be not only difficult but dangerous. Not everyone has wide lanes to drive in, and occasionally going into the ditch a little means driving into a mine field.
M151 Ford "mutt" was the jeep.. M551 is the Sheridan tank...but I am not one to be picky..

This will clear up if a hmmv will tow a gun or not . It will .
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