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Will the Unites States try to Dominate the World?!?!


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The only reason they went after Iraq is for the damn oil. The US has a HUGE oil reserve, it can hold something like 12 million barrels of crude oil or something crazy like that. Enough to last thier nation about 10-12 years going strong when everyone else runs out. They released some of that oil in the first war with Iraq to the populace of the US to lower gas prices. That's how much they have! Supposidly it takes them years to fill it.

I think there is still going to be a major world war of some sorts in the future. I really, REALLY hope not! But, I think there's no way around it. The US is technically the last "Super power" and they are militaristic. It's human nature to dominate, we're preditors! I don't know whether they'd turn on us or not, they really don't need to since we give them everything they want except water! I couldn't guess whether they'd try and take on a coalition of the world or just a few nations either. I do believe the planet does need to join together as a huge one-nation to be able to pool resources and get off the planet without war. But how we'll get to that point is the scary part! The US keeps pissing everyone off, the middle east is a MESS, and most countries would rather be NUKED than join the US...

On that matter, apparrently in a decade or more, the US will need fresh water so badly analysts expect they will take it by force if necessary or seize territory to get at it. Who knows for sure. They'll have thier reasons one way or another!

So, do you folks think they'd eventually try and take the world? Either by force or diplomacy or a mix of both. Or, form a coalition of willing nations to join them, and whoever doesn't get taken by force?

It's interesting to see what people's thoughts are on this. But before you judge, educate yourself. Look at what they've done over the last decade alone even!

I'll be on the front lines against oppression if that time ever comes! I am for  :cdn: heart+soul!

PS> If you believe a coaltion of sorts was formed, would you be for Canada joining it and the US or against?

hahahhahhehehehbwahhhhhahahahehehebwaaaaaaahhhhhhaha...I know someone would make my day. I told you, Slim ::)
Bruce Monkhouse said:
hahahhahhehehehbwahhhhhahahahehehebwaaaaaaahhhhhhaha...I know someone would make my day. I told you, Slim ::)

What in heavens name ARE they TEACHING these kids in university these days??!!


What is funny?

If your thinking, "This guys all for Canada but he doesn't realize we can't live without the Unites States!", then you guess too much! I'm not saying we should revolt against the US and not be thier allies and not trade with them. Praytell we should trade more and increase our economy. I'm just not for being taken over. Unless it's most of the world in one basket! I'm not for an American style takeover World War 4. Lots of major nations over history have had thier chance, when they're the most powerful or close to, they always try to take on the world. Like I said, human nature. France, England, Germany, Spain, and others have all taken thier shot at the world!

BTW, I realized I probably opened this thread in the wrong spot! I apologize if I did BTW!!! If moderators want and can move it to the Political section have a blast! Sorry
Recruit Joe said:


What is funny?

If your thinking, "This guys all for Canada but he doesn't realize we can't live without the Unites States!", then you guess too much! I'm not saying we should revolt against the US and not be thier allies and not trade with them. Praytell we should trade more and increase our economy. I'm just not for being taken over. Unless it's most of the world in one basket! I'm not for an American style takeover World War 4. Lots of major nations over history have had thier chance, when they're the most powerful or close to, they always try to take on the world. Like I said, human nature. France, England, Germany, Spain, and others have all taken thier shot at the world!

If Bush was just looking for Oil, why didn't he let his friends drill in Alaska? I also find it hard to believe that Bush had some sort of Machiavellian plan to control Iraqi oil, but if he did, why not wait to go to war with Iraq until Spring of 2005 (second term), well maintaining his record high approval rating (Pre Iraq war)? It's like he thought that there was some other reason(s) that must be addressed even well risking his job.......wonder what those are.
Very good points to consider DJL. Drilling has been approved in Alaska, although limited. I believe he wasn't too worried about voters at that point because the Bush Administration thought the populace was still egging for revenge of 9/11. Remember, the initial invasion is now more than a year old.

Another note, some of the first things to be taken over/attacked in Iraq were oil wells+facilities. US Special Forces and the like were air dropped in etc. well ahead of any FEBAs and took control/captured most oil in Iraq right at the start.They said this was so Saddam couldn't use them to burn+destroy the environment. I believe that they didn't want him to destroy the environment and burn off the oil. But they also wanted the oil too, that was the main objective. I mean, there isn't much environment out there but sand and if they were really that concerned about the environment of Iraq, why start a war?!?
Very good points to consider DJL. Drilling has been approved in Alaska, although limited. I believe he wasn't too worried about voters at that point because the Bush Administration thought the populace was still egging for revenge of 9/11. Remember, the initial invasion is now more than a year old.

Another note, some of the first things to be taken over/attacked in Iraq were oil wells+facilities. US Special Forces and the like were air dropped in etc. well ahead of any FEBAs and took control/captured most oil in Iraq right at the start.They said this was so Saddam couldn't use them to burn+destroy the environment. I believe that they didn't want him to destroy the environment and burn off the oil. But they also wanted the oil too, that was the main objective. I mean, there isn't much environment out there but sand and if they were really that concerned about the environment of Iraq, why start a war?!?
Very good points to consider DJL. Drilling has been approved in Alaska, although limited. I believe he wasn't too worried about voters at that point because the Bush Administration thought the populace was still egging for revenge of 9/11. Remember, the initial invasion is now more than a year old.

Another note, some of the first things to be taken over/attacked in Iraq were oil wells+facilities. US Special Forces and the like were air dropped in etc. well ahead of any FEBAs and took control/captured most oil in Iraq right at the start.They said this was so Saddam couldn't use them to burn+destroy the environment. I believe that they didn't want him to destroy the environment and burn off the oil. But they also wanted the oil too, that was the main objective. I mean, there isn't much environment out there but sand and if they were really that concerned about the environment of Iraq, why start a war?!?

Well Saddam did destroy Kuwait's oil fields after the first gulf war, and he did try and destroy some of his own in the recent gulf war..........maybe, just maybe there was a precedent to defend them. You know, I'm sure if the Iraqi Camel milk industry was as important to their future economy, I'm sure the Americans would have sent special forces to defend it also or instead of the oil field.....

Hey joey, skip on down to the QM and ask for the tinfoil hat you're entitled to. It will make the bad voice telling you to do the bad things stop.

Besides, EVERYONE knows that Doctor Evil is going to acheive global domination before Dubya. Yeesh, boy, pay attention.
Hmm.. Good point too. You'd be a good negotiator DJL!

So yes, strategically they were very important for more than one reason. You can put the strangle-hold on any country if you crush it's economy and ability to trade and generate income. But I still think the Americans were being sneakly little buggers. I don't trust them, I just can't find it in myself to.

Call me paranoid but at least you know you'll have 1 Super Rebel Canuck if we get annexed and become the next US state!

:cdn: :akimbo: :cdn:
Oh, no!

Not another one of these!

I am not even going to 'bite' here. Recruit Joe, I dont know who you are, but its a lot deeper than that, a lot deeper. Do a search and read some other threads.

Meanwhile unleaded fuel here in Sydney has reached $1.07/litre at some stations this long weekend, and our dollar is 69c US.


Recruit Joe said:
The only reason they went after Iraq is for the damn oil. The US has a HUGE oil reserve, it can hold something like 12 million barrels of crude oil or something crazy like that. Enough to last thier nation about 10-12 years going strong when everyone else runs out. They released some of that oil in the first war with Iraq to the populace of the US to lower gas prices. That's how much they have! Supposidly it takes them years to fill it.

Against my better judgement, I'm going to bite.  Although right here is about where I quit taking you seriously.  Well, at your first sentence, really, but this was too much.

I assume you're talking about the strategic petroleum reserve (SPR)?  If so, you'd better find a new fact checker for your retarded ramblings.

12 million barrels would not last 12 years.  They'd last about a day.  The U.S. imports about 10 million barrels of oil per day.  Nevertheless, the SPR's volume is much higher than 12 million barrels.  Its more like 700 million barrels.

The Department of Energy has some nice information on this subject, so I'll refer you to it.


If you'll notice, it offers 53 days of import protection.  Now correct me if I'm wrong, but there are more than 53 days in 10-12 years, are there not? 

Looks like someone had too much time on their hands.
Well it appears that I didn't have very good information on the SPR or didn't remember the info correctly. I was convinced that thier supplies would last about 10 yrs. Seeing a statement from the website of 53 days is shocking. Altough that's only import protection. I have no idea how much oil the US would use in a day, but "import protection" would imply it lasts 53 days if it was drained at the rate the US imports petrolium. In other words, they could draw it out slowly, which it shows on that link you gave us, about 1 year, which still isn't very long...

You have shot my theory about that out of the water completely!  :'(

Although this information relaxes me more in regards to the idea of them having a fully fueled war machine well the rest of us rot away, I still don't trust the US. I suppose I'll have to wait and see what they're like if I ever get to train with them. It is my opinion that the US isn't as innocent as you all seem to think. I refuse to let a sheet be pulled over my eyes in regards to the US. A saying, never let your guard down. I'll keep following although one of my theories have been busted completely. I'll have to do some research and thinking!

One question, what convinces you all so much that there is no chance the US would turn against us, or, a large section of the world in the future?
All I need to say is,

Not sure that was called for.......regardless who you were addressing.

I fail to see were ones sexuality enters into "play" during an  discussion on US foreign policy......I'd ask you to clarify, but I doubt the responce is worth anybodies time.
In response to "Cheeky_Monkey's" comment about my sexuality, I'm not obviously some little 14 yr old immature punk. And for your information I am not gay. I would like to say more, but there isn't a point.  I was trying to have a civilized conversation and trying to attain information and viewpoints from fellow Canadians.

Grow up or shut up is really what I have to say to you. I won't post about this again because I don't need to lower myself to your level, as above posted, your comment was not called for...