PMedMoe said:Year round. There is a break for a short period during the holidays.
prairiediver said:This brings up another question, didnt look to see if its answered already, sorry. But I figured most upto date answer possible is good.
For the Holiday shutdown, do we have the opportunity to go home for that time? I would assume yes.. However, do we have to pay for the commute or would that be something the military would cover or arrange a reduced rate on?
Also, Im @ BMQ from Sept.28-Jan.10, is a shutdown like this common 1 week prior to finishing BMQ or is it selective between course starts/finishes?
GAP said:It might be an idea to get one of the RMS clerks on here to check that last son that finished BMQ in March/April got LTA to come home....but timeing/fiscal year might have a lot to do with that....dunno.
PMedMoe said:IIRC, you pay for your own trip as you haven't accumulated enough time for LTA (Leave Travel Assistance) but I could be wrong.
As far as for what dates they actually close, I'm guessing between Dec 18 - 4 Jan or so. Maybe a week longer.
chrome1967 said:I asked my MCC this question last week and was told your trip home for the break would be covered.
chrome1967 said:I asked my MCC this question last week and was told your trip home for the break would be covered.
prairiediver said:Thanks for the insught.
I do want to be clear on one thing though. The paid travel is for the holidays and for when I am done BMQ? I would hope so.
px90 said:My BMOQ runs from Sept 7th, to December 18th. If training shuts down for a brief time over the holidays, and depending on when my next course date starts wouldn't they send us home for christmas?
PMedMoe said:You still have to be in possession of a leave pass.
As far as paying for trips to your declared next-of-kin, you are only entitled to one LTA per fiscal year.
GAP said:With the new fiscal year starting April 1.....right..
px90 said:I live in Nova Scotia, my next course is in Esquimalt, so how is that looking for me? Ha
Bianca said:Just to clarify... after BMQ don't you basically get shipped directly to SQ or whatever training you have to do next? I didn't think that there was time to go home after BMQ.