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"Worst Movie Of All Time"

MedTechStudent said:
Right....woops, thinking of the Island.  Jude Law was in Enemy At The Gates right?
Yep, that was him in it.

I love that movie.

One of my favorite movies ever, deserves to be on the "Worst Movie" list.... Kung Pow:Enter The Fist
Bullet Proof with Adam Sandler and Damon Wayans. Sandler was so obnoxious that I switched channels halfway through. Hell, if I was stuck with someone that  obnoxious I would say the hell with it and plug him myself! Promised myself that I would never watch a Sandler movie again.

Ishtar with Dustin Hoffman. Only good thing in the movie was when Isabelle Adjani flashes Hoffman. Unfortunately, if you blink - you miss it.

Heaven's Gate with Kris Kristofferson and Christopher Walken. 'nuff said.

I was going to say M. Night Shyamalan's The Village, but the movie wasn't that bad, it was just that I had more or less figured out the "big revelation" five minutes into the movie.

Anything with Lorenzo Lamas in it.

Zowie, my hundredth post. A milestone folks! ;D

Celticgirl said:
OK, I thought it was pretty good...typical Indy. He's pretty spry for an old(er) guy, eh? ;)  The ending was rather surreal, but then so was the one for Radars of the Lost Ark. All in all, I don't feel like I wasted my money.  ;D

If only we'd known that the Cold War could've been diffused with more refrigerators!  Those who've seen the new film know what I mean....
Hands down, worst movie of all time...Anaconda.  Terrible acting, brutal special effects, I was cheering for the snake to eat them all so I wouldn't have to hear any more of that horrendous script!!

Also, The Happening. I had such high hopes and was so...so...so...disappointed.
Worst Movie EVER: Full Body Massage

Virtually no dialogue, it is much like corny soft-core porn.

this IMDB review pegs it perfectly:

"Mimi Rogers has spectacular breasts. That's the only reason you'd watch this. It really is rather pointless. However, if you have some sort of obsession for female assets of huge proportions, watch it by all means."

I felt the need to actually sit through and watch the movie to its end because SOMETHING had to happen.. but now there is 93 minutes I will never get back.

How it has an IMDB rating of 5.2 I will never know
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

Saw it at 3am around Christmas four years ago. Just terrible.

Wickerman, both the original and remake, were pretty bad as well.
Did anyone ever try and watch "Gerry" ? 


Most definitely not a movie to watch if you wish to be entertained.  at all.
So many pages, but I can't be the first one to say Waterworld. That sucked big time.
Did the shark really get around to attacking? I fell asleep trying to watch it and figured that both the couple and the sharks just plain died of bordom!
Geez! I go through all 15 pages, and nobody nominates "Armageddon"?

Asteroid the size of Texas is barrelling towards Earth. NASA comes up with a plan to send astronauts up to said rock, and drill down and plant enormous nuke. No astronauts are trained to do such a thing, so it falls down to a plucky band of American deep sea drillers.  ::)

That movie was so painfully bad, I walked out of the theatre and walked right across the road into the bar to drink away the memories of it.
PMedMoe said:
Speaking of water, anyone else watch Open Water and cheer when the shark finally attacked?  ;D

It was so bad they had to torture us with another one: Open Water 2

When I bought Open Water I thought "It can't be too bad, its based on a true story", wow I was sorely mistaken
Dog said:
Worst movie of all time: I said this the year it came out and have yet to see a worse movie ever made.... Starship Troopers 2.

Until recently, I would have agreed.  If you have the DVD with the directors' commentary, though, it brings the film from one of the bottom ten for me to one of the top 20.  It sounds like the team is drinking while they're commenting on the film, and how they had to cut corners, and how it's not quite what the first one was because of budget.

Imagine a commentary done right after the most f***ed up ex you've ever been on, recorded just after a couple of wobbly pops have been consumed - THAT's what the commentary of ST2 is like.

I urge you to give it another go...

The Love Guru - absolutely awful, I winced through every lame/ tasteless joke.  A pockmark on Mike Meyers' career..

Freddy Got Fingered - my ex dragged me to see this piece of cinematic vomit and I've never been more disturbed in my entire life.  Scarred even.
Some of which I haven't seen but am confident giving this dubious award to:


Big Momma's House (1 and 2!)

Are we there yet? (1 and 2)

Are We There Yet chronicled the largest public castration in history. Anyone who doesn't believe me, check out Ice Cube circa 1988 and then that movies