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Yankee a racial slurr?

If the Sgt blew a gasket at being called "yankee" imagine how he/she will react to being called some of those really bad words ;)
I am a Yankee, born and brought up most of my life in New England. We (I and most people I know) from New England are proud to be called Yankee's and as the previous post suggests, hard working, industrious. I don't take offensive unless it comes from a Confederate    8)

The odd US Southerner might get his feathers rustled if called a Yankee, but the term Yank is generally accepted like the term Canuck, Aussie or Pommy bbastard.

No offence taken I am sure.

Who ever told you this needs to be bbitch slapped, and must thrive in the PC world even in theatre. This Sergeant sounds like a real live wire, and if I was you, I'd be using the term in front of him again. If you were charged, he'd be laughed out of the RSM's tent.

As Charlie Brown once said, "good grief".

Having spent many years hanging around US servicemen of one ilk or another, and lots of US civ types, I'd say that this Sgt is full of the proverbial...

Back in 1971-75 as an air cadet I made many friends with members of the WA Wing of the Civil Air Patrol...the terms Canuck and Yank were thrown back and forth constantly, and usually with affection.

From 1975-78 I was with the Cdn Militia and wound up on exercises with a US Army Nat'l Guard Av Coy, a Green Beret Res unit, and a US Marine Res unit.  Same song second verse.

I married a girl fm Boulder CO, and have spent a great deal of time hanging around with the cousins.  Never once have I been ubraided by a US citizen for using the word "Yank", nor would I ever balk at the term "Canuck".  I'm curious to hear if this guy that jumped all over you was US or Cdn.  If he was US, well maybe he was just having a rough day.  If he was a Cdn, tell him to get his PC head out of his PC ***, and get a life.

My two cents.
I don't know about you, but I think I would have fallen over and peed my kilt laughing, hearing him blow a main seal over something that trivial... ::)
re yanks
my grandma was from scranton pensyvania,,,,
joined the nursing corp ww1
met a loud scot from dundee scotland with a wicked temper
ended up marrying him and immigrated to canada,,
winnipeg dont ya know
grandma  went through 2 world wars,,the great depression and rasied 4 great kids
and lol and behold theres me one tough lil nut
in respect to our troops today im behind them 100 %
same for my cousins south of the border 100%
regards the war between the states union(yankee) rebel(south)
aww hell i behind all ya all
                                            best regards,,
geo said:
If the Sgt blew a gasket at being called "yankee" imagine how he/she will react to being called some of those really bad words ;)

Yeah...like Sarge.  Wonder how he likes that one.
Kat Stevens said:
I don't know about you, but I think I would have fallen over and peed my kilt laughing, hearing him blow a main seal over something that trivial... ::)


Tell him to go blow a maine seal, the politically correct moron...


Its all in the context.

I'm all American except my citizenship ( :cdn:) and I lived in North Carolina from age 6-22...NC is the south so when we hear Yank it refers to northerners.  Its not an offensive word unless the context makes it.
I started calling the Americans, "Yanks" after talking to a lot of British folks online over an IRC like program for the past 5 years.  I don't use it a lot but from time to time I will use it, never in a derogatory way. Mostly it's "Damned American tourists, we don't park parallel on the main street here". How I love my town being a Cottage Country tourist attraction with nothing to do with regards to entertainment except for Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol. On a side note it is funny watching the 19 year old Americans leaving a bar completed loaded. Alas since the summer is over, my summer fun is over. Now it's time to plan on terrorizing the locals for the high teen pregnancy rate "HA, prostitot".
It was my personal experience when I traveled to Canada almost 20 years ago everyone we met asked if we were "Yankee's". In fact that is how I met Mr. Smith. Being asked that several times started to become irritating at the most simply because "Yankee's" were people from the north. New England, New York etc.... I was born and raised in California, so I had no idea why everyone kept asking if we were Yankee's. Now living in Georgia some "folks" would be insulted if I called them a "Yank". Since American's have been called Yankee's by Canadian's since way back in the day I can't imagine why a disciplinary action would be taken and I would think it would be uncalled for. It is not a racial slur at all.  Finally my 2 cents!!!  :D
Well,  any word can be made a slur.  I have used the word Yankee in a way that left no doubt as to the disstain of the three rather large men who just cut in line.  Keep in mind I said it with a common hand gesture (like the one you make with those flashlights you have to shake to power up). 

    Unfortunately for me they were Canadian and the one member of their group who didn't cut the line was the American.  Oh well the crowd in the Pizza Pizza laughed.
Methinks the above mentioned Sgt. knows the definition of the word Yank - an uncontrolled jerk.