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You can't tell a book by its' cover... Sen. Kerry


Army.ca Veteran
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Boy...This is going to start a fight...

I don't know the accuracy of this but thought it was interesting enough to post. It was sent to me by an friend in the U.S. (No names, no packdrill!)

""You can't tell a book by its' cover...  But you can tell something
about a politician by his votes. Check out John Kerry's voting
record, then decide for yourself if bringing this up as a campaign
issue is fair:
HE VOTED TO KILL: the Bradley Fighting Vehicle
HE VOTED TO KILL: the M-1 Abrams Tank
HE VOTED TO KILL: the Aegis Anti-Aircraft System
HE VOTED TO KILL: the F-15 Strike Eagle
HE VOTED TO KILL: the Block 60 F-16
HE VOTED TO KILL: the P-3 Orion upgrade
HE VOTED TO KILL: the Patriot Missile System
HE VOTED TO KILL: Body Armor for our troops
HE VOTED TO KILL: every Aircraft Carrier laid down from 1988
-With John Kerry as our President, our Military will be an obsolete
shambles.  He voted to kill every military appropriation for the
development and deployment of every weapons system since 1988.
-He also voted:
To kill all anti-terrorism activities of every agency of the US Government.
To cut the funding of the FBI by 60%.
To cut the CIA by 80%.
To cut funding for the NSA by 80%.
......After all that, he voted to increase OUR funding for UN
operations by 800%!!!

And this man wants to be your President..."
Here is the flip side:

LanceaLot said:
Here is the flip side:


Thank you for offering the other side of the issue

Can you tell me why you, Lancelot and Pieman all have the same avatar...Are you forming some sort of club?
I don't want to really get involved in a political debate for the next POTUS, frankly, politics bores me to tears. No matter the country, all politicians serve one master, themselves. You'll find all kinds of pros and cons, for and against. It's all spin, half truths and lies. None of them tell the whole truth, or in many cases, any of it. Fred Kaplan, at Slater, is cut from the same Hollywood, Michael Moore genre as the rest of the Democratic supporters. His one and only purpose in life, at the moment, is to make Bush look bad and Kerry good, no matter the cost to the US population. If he worked for the Toronto Star he'd be writing for the Liberals. His spin against Bush has no more validity than the Republican spin against Kerry. He only hopes to be on the winning side come the election and garner the kudos and favours that the Kerry gov't (if that's the case) will bestow on him for being a good supporter. No matter the ex VietNam buddies Kerry surrounds himself with, the rank and file of the US Armed Forces are not behind him, they are intimatley more informed about him than we are and don't trust or like him. We should be more concerned about the path that our own dictatorship is taking us down than what is happening with something we have no control over. Whatever happens south of us will be something we'll just have to adjust too, as we always have.
Whatever happens south of us will be something we'll just have to adjust too, as we always have.

I don't know...I think that since 9/11 the U.S. has really kicked over the hornets nest. I'm rather concerned about what may happen if the next elected Pres decides to stop fighting terrorism...

And like I say, Canada will have to adjust to it, because we won't make him change his mind. Although he'll probably assure Paul Jr it's all OK while they're out playing golf. Absolutley nothing you and I can do about it, except stay personally ready.
Still...There's nothing wrong with posting the odd thing about it. As long as its not being presented as fact...And we do have a number of American members here, do we not?

I would hope that most of the members here are smart enough to recognize political rhetoric when they see it.

We could always send General MacKenzie down there and give them a 3rd choice.

Nothing wrong at all with posting this kind of thing. Just look at my long winded post as a way of toning down a thread that has the potential to turn into 6 pages of Bush/Kerry bashing and anti US rhetoric. We've seen it time and again. After two or three post it turns into a Michael Moore or Kofi Anan soapbox with every one trying to prove who's Johnson is bigger, and by page two the whole theme is lost. Carry on ol' son. :dontpanic:
10-4 Recceguy

Thanks for the clarafication. I apreciate your "damping down" of the subject. I posted to inform, not to inflame. There are some here who do like to fight.

Thanks again...

Slim :D
an you tell me why you, Lancelot and Pieman all have the same avatar...Are you forming some sort of club?
Well the first rule of Ninja Sniper Clan is your not supposed to talk about it......and the second rule of Ninja Sniper Clan is your not supposed to talk about it. LOL

I don't know...I think that since 9/11 the U.S. has really kicked over the hornets nest. I'm rather concerned about what may happen if the next elected Pres decides to stop fighting terrorism...

This is a simple way of putting it, but I have always seen the Republicans as hard hitters. I see the Democrats a little more flexable and willing to try to work things out. I think that under Bush the initial response to 9/11 was correct, but using brute force tactics only go so far.

The future problems with terrorism are going to be more complex and will take some really smart politics. I am pointing to future problems in Saudi Arabia as I think this is the country that should be on the list of ones for 'intervention'. Given their economic power, brute force is not a good idea and would not work. I don't think Bush is capable of handling the complicated problems. Kerry seems a better choice to me. (Not picking a fight here LOL)
