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You know you are military when...


Army.ca Fixture
Reaction score
You mark out your landscaping lines with mine tape
Both your immediate and your extended family know that the lost contact drill is to go to the last known RV.......and they all know the hand signal for an RV
Having a dedicated closet (or preferably room) for all your military clothing and gear is a pre-requisite when searching for a home.
You have "spill" buckets, flashlights and fire extinguishers at specific locations in the house ... and everyone in the family knows where they are, what they are for and how to use them.
dapaterson said:
Having a dedicated closet (or preferably room) for all your military clothing and gear is a pre-requisite when searching for a home.

Also, having more clothes and footwear than your significant other.
When you're dropping the kids off somewhere, and they're dragging their asses, you shout:


This also gets you a few odd looks from random passers by....
Your Christmas stocking stuffers are socks still wrapped in the plastic and your sock drawer is still overflowing!
As happened in my family:

You consider a box of grenades an appropriate gift for a baby shower.

(Obviously, this was a joke).
Xylric said:
As happened in my family:

You consider a box of grenades an appropriate gift for a baby shower.

(Obviously, this was a joke).

It is? Damn am I in trouble!!!

You have cleaning stations instead of housekeeping day.
Without even realizing that you're doing it, you get into step with the person walking next to you.
You get upset that Santa stoped putting black kiwi polish in your stocking.
As you drive down the highway, you look for good gun positions for your battery.

When you driver down the highway, ... you use the distance-to-various-towns signs to practice your Speed-time-distance calculations.  ;D  (that's a Navy one).
Oldgateboatdriver said:
When you driver down the highway, ... you use the distance-to-various-towns signs to practice your Speed-time-distance calculations.  ;D  (that's a Navy one).


In a similar vein...when I am trying to turn right at an intersection, and I can't find decent space to merge between the passing cars...and I yell at them to "Close to Standard Distance!"  (Also a Navy one)

When you pass by a bridge and have to resist the urge to stop and get the measurements to do the demolition calcs. (Mostly a sapper affliction.)
medicineman said:
You point out something with an arrow hand...


And then you start to use hand angles and the clock ray method because they don't get it... then they REALLY don't get it :)