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Widespread systemic racism in Canadian military ‘repulsing’ new recruits: report

A few years ago the Mayor of Winnipeg stated maybe it was time for the Royal Winnipeg Rifles statue to be moved to a less visible location. He only mentioned it once. And the statue is still there.

Is that the Northwest Rebellion victory column by the Museum? It’s beautiful and I would hate to see it go. I also understand why some locals are bent out of shape over it.
History aside, the greater Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal areas hold roughly 1/3 of the Canadian population. With, and I'm just guessing, perhaps a couple of thousand CAF employees in each, it's not a huge presence.


It's not always just immigrants from countries having a bad view of the military, many have a bad view of public service in general due to inherent corruption back home. As well, they steer (to be kind in some cases) their kids away from anything that is considered 'blue collar'.

Even among established generations, there has developed a rather unique attitude among young generation urbanites who view moving away from their immediate circle of family and friends to be a significant roadblock, so any career prospect with the likes of the military for many would be a non-starter. Heck, in Toronto, for many, north of Eglinton is viewed as akin to Outer Mongolia. Couple that with a general distaste for anything outside or physical, or that can't take advantage of that BA in early European poetry, and I have a hard time seeing a target rich environment no matter how much effort or targeting goes on. Maybe better outreach at the school level, but I can image the backlash at even the thought of it.

Maybe better outreach at the school level, but I can image the backlash at even the thought of it.

I joined the PRes when I was 16. Not sure how common that is now.

Saw this from Mar 28, 2022,

As the military struggles with recruitment, Atlantic Canada answers the call​

"They always tend to over-recruit from non-urban areas and from lower socioeconomic strata," said Eichler, who leads the Centre for Social Innovation and Community Engagement in Military Affairs at the university.
My most gracious and enduring thanks Commissar. As you have pointed out, I failed, when I said "Get your language straight." I obviously fell into the decadent Western trap that they had set.

I meant to say "Get your language aligned and permitted."

As the military struggles with recruitment, Atlantic Canada answers the call​

The Atlantic has always been the answer to our recruiting calls. The fear is that their demographics are drying up and going forward there simply won’t be enough Newfoundlanders and Maritimers turning 18 to fill that role. Newfoundland’s population is shrinking, and they have the oldest median age in the country.
The Atlantic has always been the answer to our recruiting calls. The fear is that their demographics are drying up and going forward there simply won’t be enough Newfoundlanders and Maritimers turning 18 to fill that role. Newfoundland’s population is shrinking, and they have the oldest median age in the country.
I got the t-shirt.
My most gracious and enduring thanks Commissar. As you have pointed out, I failed, when I said "Get your language straight." I obviously fell into the decadent Western trap that they had set.

I meant to say "Get your language aligned and permitted."
Your isn't inclusive enough.

I should be "Get OUR language aligned and permitted"...
Maybe CFLA’s ‘EXECUTREC’ program didn’t focus out West. On numerous times, I flew groups of business executive from Toronto to various bases for capability/firepower demonstrations that included meet and greet periods that in some cases, had some of the executives’ companies’ own employees serving as Reservists, speak to them about the various capabilities.

If that’s not happening now, I’d cynically think it’s because the Government doesn’t want it to happen.
I participated in several of these as the "military" host. Spent many hours in the company of Presidents/CEO's etc of some of the most influential companies in sw Ont. Learned a lot as did they. Saw local changes in support to PRes units in particular and the CF in general. Many of the problems we institutionally experience are similar to theirs. Difference they could directly influence change, us not so much. Do not know if this practice is being continued. Should be tho'.
I participated in several of these as the "military" host. Spent many hours in the company of Presidents/CEO's etc of some of the most influential companies in sw Ont. Learned a lot as did they. Saw local changes in support to PRes units in particular and the CF in general. Many of the problems we institutionally experience are similar to theirs. Difference they could directly influence change, us not so much. Do not know if this practice is being continued. Should be tho'.
Several years ago a buddy of mine who runs a charity for wounded SoF veterans ran a 4 day team building ‘offsite’ as part of their national sales force annual meeting/training for a large multinational company. It started with a small Det roping in to Capital Place arena - followed by equipment and weapons demonstrations - several ‘breakout rooms’ and then we did some weapons instruction and a day of live fire with pistol, carbine and LMG at the NRA range, and we demonstrated some low light entries.
The attendees loved it - the units that allowed some of their personnel to take leave for it got some pretty good relationships - and as I understand it, that company ended up doing several more like it but closer to military installations of those units, and go to do some actually stuff on post with those units.

Veterans got some screaming deals on their product - as well as several things where donated to support team houses for deployed personnel.

Community and Industry outreach is a fantastic way to breed understanding with the citizenry that one is serving - one a two way street.
Is that the Northwest Rebellion victory column by the Museum? It’s beautiful and I would hate to see it go. I also understand why some locals are bent out of shape over it.
Yes it is. I'm glad it wasn't on the Legislative grounds.

Of course, our local CTV station had some "expert" on this morning speaking about the toxicity etc.

It is like someone planned this.....
Yes it is. I'm glad it wasn't on the Legislative grounds.

Of course, our local CTV station had some "expert" on this morning speaking about the toxicity etc.

It is like someone planned this.....
It’s already shunted off to the side between two big buildings and you won’t see it unless you’re looking for it. Just put up a plaque giving historical context and leave it be.
It’s already shunted off to the side between two big buildings and you won’t see it unless you’re looking for it.
We rededicated the monument when it was moved across the street. I think 1968 or so.
