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High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

There must be something in the water at Durham.

Should your custodial facility holding evidence have sprinklers? What's the worst that could happen? Destroying evidence from hundreds of cases?

Some wizard probably said “We can’t have all of our evidence destroyed by water!”
There must be something in the water at Durham.

Should your custodial facility holding evidence have sprinklers? What's the worst that could happen? Destroying evidence from hundreds of cases?

Nice to see that a facilities manager waved off any concerns over the best evidence rule.

I worked well with DRPS but they seem to endure a parade of weird command decisions.
OPS detective found guilty of discreditable conduct in unauthorized investigations.

Since it's Ottawa, I assume the sanction if any will be trivial, because it's impossible to fire such an unfit individual from the Ottawa police.

OPS detective found guilty of discreditable conduct in unauthorized investigations.

Since it's Ottawa, I assume the sanction if any will be trivial, because it's impossible to fire such an unfit individual from the Ottawa police.

I didn’t even need to open this to know it was going to be you updating about Helen Grus.

Good finding; she’s a disgrace. I share your pessimism about sanctions.
Meanwhile, in Florida...

‘Routine and predatory acts:’ Woman files suit against Holly Hill over police misconduct allegations​

Holly Hill Police Chief Jeffrey Miller resigned March, 2024 amid investigation​

A woman is suing the city of Holly Hill alleging the former police chief and others in the department of engaging in “routine and predatory acts in the workplace towards women for years,” according to court documents.

The suit states that Holly Hill Police Chief Jeffrey Miller and Capt. Christopher Yates “began a campaign of relentless sexual harassment, assault, and battery.”

News 6 reported in March, 2024, that Miller resigned from his role amid an investigation into the police department after allegations about “inappropriate incidents” came up.

A month later, another Holly Hill police officer was suspended amid the investigation. Sgt. Tom Bently was placed on paid leave in accordance with the police officer’s bill of rights. Bently’s leave follows the suspension of Yates and Sgt. Shannon Fountain, also part of the same investigation.

In June, 2024, Holly Hill city officials announced they hired Byron K. Williams as their new police chief, days after a monthslong investigation conducted by the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office into the department concluded.

The city handed the investigation over to the sheriff’s office in March so it would be impartial.

OPS detective found guilty of discreditable conduct in unauthorized investigations.

Since it's Ottawa, I assume the sanction if any will be trivial, because it's impossible to fire such an unfit individual from the Ottawa police.

Wow. Either the first time I heard about her or I had forgotten. Nothing like using your authority to go on a personal quest.

OPS must be a fun place. I wonder if RFK Jr. has an opening.

Maybe he was just doing his job.

No person shall erect, locate or display an election sign within a road allowance where the election sign is:
a. on any center median, traffic island or center boulevard;
b. within 1.5 m of a fire hydrant, curb, driveway or the travelled portion of a street;
c. within 30.0 m of any intersection;
d. within 15.0 m of any bus stop;
e. on any railing, retaining wall, bridge, bench, garbage can or structure of any kind;
f. on Town property within 100.0 m of any property line of a voting location; or
g. within 10.0 m of another election sign for the same candidate.
PART 20 Seizure and Return of Signs
1. The Designated Official may pull down or remove any sign, without notice, where such sign:
a. is erected on Town property or on private property in contravention of this Bylaw;