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Recent content by DSB

  1. DSB

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    You will need to fire up a memo to your CO, (reserve unit), to get permission to parade with your cadet unit; no is often the answer.
  2. DSB

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    Some meds will change your cat, (ie I think a G4 med cat will not let you delpoy, and might prevent promotions ).  You can get it simply by being on some bp medication.
  3. DSB

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    I did the express test last night...my bp was a touch high.  The PSP said the cut off is 150/100 which is pretty high.
  4. DSB

    Reserve Pension- Merged

    I just finished the paper work this weekend, (it took me a while to add up all the days or service, PILL, and earnings per year). I had all the docs up to 99 however I had to mail in a form for my service between 96 and 99.  I started the ball rolling anyway.  I still think this process is not...
  5. DSB

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    We have church parade every year.
  6. DSB

    Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool

    Well said Blackadder. DSB
  7. DSB

    Would like to enlist, but have some medical issues against me - Advice, please

    I used ot get monster shin splints, (I have flat feet).  I found that a good pair of shoes helped a bit.  After a couple of years they stop hurting. DSB
  8. DSB


    You should see my back....its a shag rug.    That said, guys will be guys and tend to make fun of everything.  Tell your buddy to expect some good natured teasing, (usually from his own friends).  If he's that insecure then maybe he needs to mature a little before he joins. DSB
  9. DSB

    END of an ERA (the wedge)

    Sorry for the Hijack I ordered a turban once; they send out material in the same colour as the army dress shirt, (pastel green?).  The turban in combats is meant to be rife green.  The two other Sikhs I know don't bother with ordering them online anymore either. FYI DSB
  10. DSB

    TWINS-education savings plan

    Hey People, I need some advice, my twins are almost a year old and I need to get going with their education savings plan.  I've had several companies contact me, and I'm not sure if I should try to jump on with them or save on my own.  I know some of you have kids and I was wondering if...
  11. DSB

    Boisclair won't apologize for "Slanted Eyes" remark

    I can’t believe anyone would even try to justify, (defend?), this kind of ignorance.  DSB
  12. DSB

    Mean Streets of Toronto Video at 6

    over kill perhaps...... DSB
  13. DSB

    Warning ! Attention all Men! Beware!

    Hey, that's Dave in the picture.....small world eh. DSB
  14. DSB

    Expansion of the Medical Reserve

    I know many members of my unit who became nurses, parmedics,x-ray techs, dentists, and even doctors after being exposed to the medical field through working as a Med A/Tech.  I was all for High school students and grads coming in.  In our unit we have a disproportionate number of mid to...
  15. DSB

    Sailor who injured another calls assault ‘disgusting’

    Why was is salary included in the article? 