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Search results

  1. nick_s02

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    I got sworn in with 3 others all for 0225. I am done working Friday and leave from Moncton New Brunswick at 06:30 on Saturday. Good early morning to start the next 10 weeks. Anyway, just a quick question someone might know. Is the payscale based on monthly salaries before or after taxes? Thats...
  2. nick_s02

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    Been a while since anyone said anything on this thread so I thought I'd get it going again by saying that I am sworn in and everything is real now. While during the waiting process every hour seemed like a day now it's like every hour seems like a minute. There is way too much to do that never...
  3. nick_s02


    Hey Big,         I've been with my girlfriend for over a year and we both decided on me going into the Army. We talked about EVERYTHING possible, pro's/con's, etc. I then applied and have waited for 8 months and am now leaving for BMQ on October 31st. So far from my view it has been a solid...
  4. nick_s02

    Insurance through the Forces

    Thanks for the info. Another thing off my mind going into BMQ!!
  5. nick_s02

    Insurance through the Forces

    I've looked everywhere for the answer to this question with no luck so I hope someone can help me out on here. I leave for BMQ at the end of October until February 03 and my car insurance runs out on Feb. 08. My question is, how long before the I can be insured through the forces and who do I...
  6. nick_s02

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    My swear in is October 14th in Charlottetown, PEI, Moncton NB or Fredricton, NB. I'm not nervous yet. Got the 5 min. Kilometer so it should all be good. Cya soon!!
  7. nick_s02

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    I'm on board to fellas. Got the call this morning.  I'm 21 and in good enough shape to make it through....I think. Should be a blast, see you all soon.
  8. nick_s02

    The Hard Part

    To all who are waiting,         The wait doesn't bother me at all and my advice for those that it does bother is to surround yourself with the worst possible situations. Take me for example, I applied, moved out of my apartment and into the in-laws place. I also gave up my day job for a night...
  9. nick_s02

    how long ....?

    I've been waiting for 6 months now and can count on another two. I prepared for the run and did step test.