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The Hard Part

Derek Eves said:
I hope they can try to make the Appointments for CFAT, Interview, Physical and medical maybe within a couple of days.

Derek Eves said:
I would love to get into the Sept BMQ

I've done my CFAT and Medical, and they were a week apart. My Interview is on Aug 4, and the Physical is booked after the Interview. I'm hoping to get on an October BMQ. At this point, I think that is the absolute soonest I would get on. If I do get on an Oct BMQ, I will consider myself lucky that it only took 4 months from when I submitted my application.
Thats awsome for you Zombie.
Im probably too late but Im going to try my hardest to get it done. I'll just have to get a hold of someone at the RO and see whats going on. My file manager seems to always be away. OH well. Well October is what Im trying for also. But I think now Ill be stuck With Winter BMQ. Alberta Winters nothing!!! ;D Ive pulled engines and trannys on a daily basis at -40. Sometimes it sucks though!!!


Alberta winters are pretty easy to handle...but wait until the moisture hits you though.....-40 towards the east is freakin COLD!! You freeze your knickers off in just a few minutes... :D
BMQ in the winter will just make the time spent in your unit in the summer at the end of your training feel like heaven on earth....
I hope ha ha
Oh well Summer, Winter its all the same your either to hot or to cold, I think, Sept Oct Nov and Dec in Canada are the best months to be working outside, late fall in the east is the absolute best time of year by far.
I can't wait

:salute: :cdn: :salute:
Not too add to frustration but... last time i was told i was on the merit list i felt exactly the same way. And then day after day i would do the same answering every call until finally one day i checked my mail and there it was my rejection letter. Hopefully it works out for you all.

Yup, asthma that i dont have and surgery that they DO not have to pay for as it is full covered by OHIP. Its funny because i called them up and asked them what does the surgery have to do with anything... there response "either you have it done and then apply or dont have it done at all and re-apply now" so yeah i think that just may have given it away. Im sure though even after the surgery and all the tests ive done they'll find something else to nail me on and ill have to wait another 2 years. But im still taking this all posotive, because i truly care for the army and they can't change that.

- Good Luck guys.
- Usman
I found the best thing at this point is to just go on with the everyday routine. It's tough but it's the only way not to go insane. I feel the same way about work. Just give me the cal,l so I can prepare to give my notice. Believe me though, once 2 weeks has past, I will be making a friendly call to my Recruiter.

Hang in there all.
It will be so great the day i can walk into my bosses AIR CONDITOINED office and tell him to take his job and........
ahhh maybe not, I did get paid on time, but it would be really nice to just pull a Homer Simpson on his a$$ and play his head like a bongo on my last day.

RING RING who is it.....
not who you want it to be.......

ah well keep your collective chins held high the day draws near

:salute: :cdn: :salute:
Gave the local recruiting center a ring the other day and they made a major fuck up. Forgot to inform me I needed a drivers license to apply for Sig Op. Oops.. that could be important. Took 'em 8 months to pull their shit together and inform me AFTER I'd supposedly been merit listed for more than a month. Hey thanks, you're really on the ball down there!

To all who are waiting,

        The wait doesn't bother me at all and my advice for those that it does bother is to surround yourself with the worst possible situations. Take me for example, I applied, moved out of my apartment and into the in-laws place. I also gave up my day job for a night one as to not hold people back from a position they want and I didn't. Anyway, it's always good to laugh about all the craziness during the waiting time, just don't go doing anything stupid. Take that advice from a pro!!
I am over the waiting for the phone to ring right now but I would really like to know if i have been selected,  if i could find that out it would make waiting for the phone call alot easier.
P-Free: man that sucks hole i sure hop it all works out for you Good Luck man

:salute: :cdn: :salute: