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  1. C

    Should Canada go Nuclear???

    I don't know I didn't major in philosophy. If you disagree with my assertion, please tell me why? Would it not be in Canada's interests to go nuclear? If not, why not? I've already outlined the reasons I think we MUST. 1) It is the only answer to a nuclear capable USA gone bad 2) Nuclear...
  2. C

    Should Canada go Nuclear???

    For emphasis. BTW we don't have sharks with lazer beams on their heads. How about nukes instead???
  3. C

    Should Canada go Nuclear???

    Well I certainly hope so. Once can't really argue they believe in the defense of this country, unless they advocate our aquiring nukes. Anything else is simply defense of North America, under the  guise of defending Canada. Defending North America is defending the US of A's interests.
  4. C

    Should Canada go Nuclear???

    Hmm, no signs of intelligent life here Sir, beam me up Scotty.
  5. C

    Should Canada go Nuclear???

    Canada has the resources and the technology to become a nuclear power within a matter of months to a year. In reality this is the only means by which we can "deter" US and other Nuclear armed nation's aggression. Should that country decide they need our water, oil, minerals or what have you, we...
  6. C

    A Protesters Response To "The Ex Charging Bison" Thread

    There's just one problem with this post . It's a massive generalization. Fiji has just painted a picture of the "left" Strawman that so many far-right individuals use to disparage all who are seen as having opposing views.  In my experience that term itself should be avoided as it is used to...
  7. C

    A Protesters Response To "The Ex Charging Bison" Thread

    Try and follow. I was not talking to Paracowboy.
  8. C

    A Protesters Response To "The Ex Charging Bison" Thread

    It's not EXPLOITATION when you're helping the Country by giving them tools and expertise to DEVELOP their resources which they DO NOT HAVE. Please tell me how this would be exploitation, when the only viable crop there right now is opium poppies? Why don't you offer some solutions instead of...
  9. C

    A Protesters Response To "The Ex Charging Bison" Thread

    You really like to stick up for Halliburton. How many shares you got?
  10. C

    A Protesters Response To "The Ex Charging Bison" Thread

    Yep- that's my answer ...that's why I said it. Haliburton is one of the reasons that Iraq is BS, because one of the major hawks that wanted the war is Dick Cheney, who was also the former CEO of Haliburton. Haliburton then got a crapload of no-bid contracts and have since been ripping of US...
  11. C

    A Protesters Response To "The Ex Charging Bison" Thread

    IN MY OPINION Afghanistan makes sense because the people there are fecked if we and the YANKS leave. The Taliban were also directly involved in the 911 incident which included dead Canadians. So it wasn't just an attack on the US. Helping Afghanistan is in our national interests. That country...
  12. C

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    UNBELIEVABLE!!! Someone actually posted useful information.
  13. C

    Replies to Honouring the Dead Without Hypocrisy

    What? That I'm well informed and on topic? No prob.
  14. C

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    You hot boxing your armor again cabbie? What have I said that is remotely Mike Moorish? or conspiracy related? You have no argument- all you have is BS. I said give Iran nuclear power- it's their right. That's it. It's my opinion. How do you back an opinion with FACTS. There is no Reuters...
  15. C

    Replies to Honouring the Dead Without Hypocrisy

    Have you taken a look at the new budget? Wooo hoo! more people in prison must equal a safer society! Lets build more prisons to put people in instead of getting more police! woo hoo! In other news, "Four legs good, two legs bad".
  16. C

    Replies to Honouring the Dead Without Hypocrisy

    The idea that the Canadian public is weak and doesn't support the Afghanistan effort is wildly overplayed. It's a typical straw man argument coming from the conservatives. They create a phony image of your average  "left wing" canadian as wanting to smoke pot and get outta the Stan in order to...
  17. C

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Not if all you are capable of is random insults without any supporting evidence.
  18. C

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Thanks for the update.
  19. C

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Please explain economics to me. My BCom is apparently not sufficient to discuss foreign debt instruments. And how should I be banned, after he 's calling me a wanker. If I get banned for that, then it only proves my point that differing opinions are not allowed on this site. Try and be more open...
  20. C

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Since you seem to know so much about nuclear power, how about the fact that you need 90% U235 to produce a nuclear weapon? Iran has just enriched it to 5%....bit of a difference math major. I've already spoken to your ignorant statement. Iran has said they will allow "intrusive inspections". You...