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  1. S

    BMQ Start

    obviously,i just said it so he knew i had background. and i obviously wouldnt join the army just becauses my grandparents did
  2. S

    BMQ Start

    still waiting on call. and i did mine in winnipeg
  3. S

    BMQ Start

    all they asked me is like, why do u wanna join, do u have any problems with working with people of different races, he gave me a sheet  of drugs and asked me my experiences with them
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    Recovering from Knee Surgery

    i have had sevril meniscus surgerys, just take it easy. walk before you run. just start walking around a bit once u can too get the knee less stiff. it took me about 2 weeks before i could run again.
  5. S

    BMQ Start

    really your interview was 30 mins? i did mine on june 12th for infantry reserves and it was like a 5 min interview and he said i was eligable. ( i threw in my great grandpa fought and LIVED at vimmy and my grandfather fought and lived in france in WWII) i wonder if that helped me:P but yea they...
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    what is it, does it still go on, if you fail do you get kicked out etc etc etc. any and all info on this would be appreciated
  7. S

    sore calves

    i have been stretching but it seems that nothing works. what kind of stretches are recomended
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    sore calves

    k so when i run/walk for a very short period of time, the bottom back parts of my calves start burning and the pain in excrutiating. i just had my interview and apptitude test today and i really need to continue on my training, but running just hurts and it discourages me. if i have to i will...
  9. S

    training for the cf but...

    lol thank you for that answer, it actually made me a little happier knowing i dont gotta train for another year to lose 50 some pounds before i can apply
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    training for the cf but...

    i understand that i SHOULD be able to do that stuff easily before basic to make life easy on me and i will try and get as close to those goals as i can. but are they a MUST before being able to be accepted for basic
  11. S

    training for the cf but...

    dont know if this is the right place but heres my question. doing the pre physical or whatever you want to call it, do you HAVE to successfully complete the requirements for the push ups sit ups chin ups running etc etc. because i swear i was told by a soldier recruiting at my school that you...
  12. S

    41 pounds less and counting :D

    good god how did you do it. whats your weight now if u dont mind me asking. what was your weight before? and congratz i wish i could do that. im in the process of trying to