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Canada won’t be blue forever, Rae says
Susan Delacourt Ottawa Bureau
I'm near speechless ( I know, hard to believe). Maybe they're finally accepting that they lost, maybe not.
There is no damage, only in the eyes of the liberal faithful that won't take off their blinders. Those that can't see that Canadians were tired of the 'Great Social Experiment' that the liberals fousted on us.
The country is changing because the people wanted it changed. The libs are threatening to turn back the clock (in 4 or 8 years) to the disfunctional, socialist society that they have made us into. The one that if it was so good, Iggy would be PM.
Iggy lost. He should mind his business. The Feds are finally divesting themselves of the nanny status that has made the Provinces dependent, instead of dealing head on with THEIR problems.
The damage that Rae did to Ontario, is still being felt. He can't blame it on Harris or give credit to McGuinty. We're trapped and wallowing because of Rae.
The Criminal Code has doubled in size, not because of Harper, but because of the namby pamby, hug a thug, revolving court justice brought in and instilled by the liberals and NDP.
NDP people like Bob Rae.
Canada won’t be blue forever, Rae says
Susan Delacourt Ottawa Bureau
OTTAWA -- Bob Rae, the interim Liberal leader, isn’t buying all the talk about Conservatives permanently changing the face of Canada.
“I think there’s no question the Tories are doing damage. But I’m not one of those people who says that the damage is irreparable,” Rae said in a year-end interview with the Star.
“Only in their own minds do they (Conservatives) believe that they are effecting a permanent ideological change to Canada and that we can never get it back. We can always get our country back. We just have to have the political will to do it.”
Rae says it’s worth remembering that Ontario Conservatives, under former premier Mike Harris, tried to make long-lasting changes in the province’s political culture in the 1990s, especially in the realm of education, health care and social services.
“The Conservative agenda can be reversed,” Rae says. “I think that in Ontario, we’ve seen that. Where they tried to turn our schools into ideological playgrounds, I think Premier (Dalton) McGuinty’s done a good job of saying ‘No, we’re going to rebuild that; we’re going to rebuild health care.’”
Prime Minister Stephen Harper himself has said he adheres to the legal principle that no government can tie the hands of a future government.
Still, eight months into Conservative majority government, much of the year-end commentary for 2011 has been focused on whether Harper is on a quest to permanently recast Canada as a more Conservative country – in style and in substance.
Critics point to small measures, such as putting the word “royal” back into the military, and large measures, such as scrapping the Wheat Board and abolishing all evidence of the gun registry, as permanent makeovers of the “old” Canada.
Former Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff is one of the people who fears that the recent health-care funding announcement sends Canada down a path from which it won’t be able to retreat, even after the Conservatives are out of power.
On his Facebook page after the Flaherty announcement, Ignatieff wrote: “Let’s be clear where this will take us. We will cease to have a national health-care system. Instead we will have 13 systems, with different standards of treatment and care, and no incentives to learn from each other, share best practice or collaborate to lower costs.”
Rae shares Ignatieff’s concern about the Conservatives’ view of federalism.
“I’m a big believer that the country is a partnership and it’s not a one-man show,” he says.
Rae, a former Ontario premier, says Harper should have been holding regular first ministers’ conferences over the past six years. (Apart from one informal gathering at 24 Sussex soon after Harper was elected in 2006, there have been none.)
“I think it’s partly that he doesn’t like sharing an agenda with anybody else,” Rae says. “And I think it’s partly that has a very ideological view of the federation – that it’s made up of watertight compartments, where you do your thing and I’ll do mine, and we’ll see you later. And that to me is a ludicrous way to run a country.”
Rae, in taking the job as interim leader, agreed to the Liberal party’s condition that he not run for the permanent job – though there’s repeated speculation that this condition will be lifted before the next leadership contest in a year or two.
And though some gloomier – some say more realistic – Liberals believe that Harper may have another eight years in power, Rae continues to tell the party that anything is possible in Canadian politics and it’s entirely reasonable for Liberals to set their sights on a comeback to power when Harper’s current majority ends in 2015.
If that happens, he said, a future government will have some unraveling to do of the Conservative agenda. He says that his chief priority would be dismantling the Harper government’s so-called “law and order” changes to the Criminal Code.
“The Criminal Code is now twice as thick as it was when I went to law school,” says Rae, 62, who attended law school in the 1960s. “I honestly don’t believe the social problems are any more or less complex than they were…. It’s just getting too complicated, it’s too micro-managed… this government is trying to dictate every outcome.”
I'm near speechless ( I know, hard to believe). Maybe they're finally accepting that they lost, maybe not.
There is no damage, only in the eyes of the liberal faithful that won't take off their blinders. Those that can't see that Canadians were tired of the 'Great Social Experiment' that the liberals fousted on us.
The country is changing because the people wanted it changed. The libs are threatening to turn back the clock (in 4 or 8 years) to the disfunctional, socialist society that they have made us into. The one that if it was so good, Iggy would be PM.
Iggy lost. He should mind his business. The Feds are finally divesting themselves of the nanny status that has made the Provinces dependent, instead of dealing head on with THEIR problems.
The damage that Rae did to Ontario, is still being felt. He can't blame it on Harris or give credit to McGuinty. We're trapped and wallowing because of Rae.
The Criminal Code has doubled in size, not because of Harper, but because of the namby pamby, hug a thug, revolving court justice brought in and instilled by the liberals and NDP.
NDP people like Bob Rae.