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13 Cents !

Wait until Thanksgiving Weekend ... the price will probably jump up to anywhere between $1.75 _ $2.00 due to some unforeseen refinery shut down,etc.Experts seem to feel that OIL will hover around $95 - $100 per barrel, but you watch the price of fuel oil go up sky-high because the oil companies refined TOO much to cover the SUPPOSED gasoline shortage. It seems the gas companies are just ripping us off! They know that they have us coming or going.

Unfortunately some of us have to run a car whether we want to or not because we live in locations with no mass transit available. I am fortunate that I have a fairly good pension, but now I find that I am paying over $200 per month just to be able to get around.

Really, REALLY Pissed off!

Oromocto is still the same ($1.26) this morning, but the price is expected to rise 13 cents sometime tonight  ::)
Professor: gas price spike 'short-term' if refineries escape hurricane damage

CALGARY — There is no reason for gasoline consumers to panic unless hurricane Ike totally cripples the heart of North America's refining industry, a University of Calgary professor said Friday as Canadian pump prices spiked as much as 13 cents per litre in some parts of Canada.

I should open up a business selling corn or something.  I'll price it at $0.50 an ear.

Whenever someone farts, I'll bump the price up.  And say "well Esso does it!"

Whenever it rains...I'll say it 'threatens my crop' and again bump it up, say...$0.10 an ear.  When it doesn't rain, I'll drop the price $0.02. 

When it is sunny out...I'll say "I grew too much fearing rain."  Prices again go up $0.10 an ear.  Then it will rain, and I'll drop the price $0.02 again...

I have saved away a REALLY hard kick-in-the-nuts for the first SOB I find that is bleedin' us dry and laughin' all the way to the Cayman Islands or where ever he/she spends her goddamn winters while that ol lady in Yarmouth freezes to death, unable to heat her small home...
bLet's face it... Why do oil companies charge as much as they do ???

Because they can!!!

(most annoying thing is that, they do not even pass on their huge profits to their shareholders, they pay themselves some huge salaries and claim they have to keep the rest for exploration  :rage:  :bullet:  :rage:
geo said:
bLet's face it... Why do oil companies charge as much as they do ???

Because they can!!!

(most annoying thing is that, they do not even pass on their huge profits to their shareholders, they pay themselves some huge salaries and claim they have to keep the rest for exploration  :rage:   :bullet:   :rage:

What's your views on Nationizing the Industry and keeping all our oil for Domestic use at production cost, give the investors their money back and get rid of all that expensive deadwood.

With prices like these at the pumps and then we get shafted again when the government again gives "Big Oil" our money in the form of multi-billion dollar subsidies. So you can add on another dollar or so per litre at the pumps when you tack on these subsidies. all though hidden we're still paying it. Why!

With oil companies raking in huge profits, why do they still need subsidies? I've asked this question many times but have yet to get a straight answer from the government. It's seems to be a mute subject.

Again, and not trying to pick on the "big oil" here but if they make that much in profits, they don't need subsidies. Subsidies are encouraging the market to move in a direction when the market can't support itself. Anything more is a giveaway, "Free money". Your's and my money. If the government wants to really help the Canadian people, they will do away with these subsidies and then use that otherwise "wasted" money on funding some real research into alternatives.

What really gets me is the way big oil apologists say" It's not big oil's fault !!" as they  ram double-digit increases up our a**es. In other words we've got you by the short and curlies...so scream all you want, but in the end YOU WILL PAY OUR PRICES!!! Everything in the grocery stores will go up due to higher transportation costs. Farmers are yelling due to increases in fuel costs, cutting their margins even further.

All this little hoorah is going to do is  cause a major increase in the cost of living for everyone.

The Government couldn't care less because half of this increase will eventually end up in their pockets ( " Deficit?...What deficit" )

Anyway it's up to us poor schmucks to bite the bullet and PAY...PAY...PAY


( Rant Off!!)

Next time you are posted and you put your house up for sale, I refuse to pay your price.  I refuse to bite the bullet.  I demand the government make you sell your house to me at the price I want to pay, even if you lose money.  After all, it is only fair... ;)
I wish I had a house to sell, but as I live in an apartment and can't be posted since I reached CRA in '06. What I am upset about is the way we poor shmucks have constantly got to dig into our shrinking incomes to ensure that big oil executives get outrageous performance  bonuses.

I feel that I am only expressing the views of other people in my situation. We're really not asking for much, just a FAIR shake from big oil and government.

P.S. to previous post:

When oil companies post billion dollar quarterly profits I don't feel the consumer has a God-given right to make sure these profits are ensured.

SeaKingTacco said:

Next time you are posted and you put your house up for sale, I refuse to pay your price.  I refuse to bite the bullet.  I demand the government make you sell your house to me at the price I want to pay, even if you lose money.  After all, it is only fair... ;)

Get real.  That examle isn't even close to what the oil/gas companies are doing.  You're suggesting they are losing money??
$1.53 / L here today.......makes that whole 2.4 cent/ L carbon tax easier to swallow !

While not defending CEO pay packages, which I believe are generally over the top, just who do think you are talking about when you say "Big Oil Companies"?  Who gets the profits?

I'll tell you who- the shareholders.  And there are literally millions of them- Exxon, Mobil, Shell are all publicly traded companies.  They get the profits through Mutual Funds or by directly owning shares.  But hey- why should an investor expect to make money on a risk he/she took?  As long as you get your gas cheap...

You hate high gas prices?  Here is what you do- find the nearest CO-OP gas station and join for 5 bucks.  At the end of the year, they send you a check, because you are a part owner in the company.  I tell you, it is friggin brilliant...

Also the price jump is not some giant conspiracy.  Check this link:

Once you read the PDF, you will note the combined effect of Gustav and Ike has kept over 3,000,000 BBL/day of US refining capacity off line for the better part of a week.  The US produces about 12,000,000 BBL/day in distillates and gasoline (I'm rounding a bit), the effect is that one quarter of US motor fuel production is off line and is likely to remain so for at least a week longer.  Round numbers- that is about 30,000,000 BBL total that will not get produced and refined.  Canada's refining capacity is nowhere close to being able to making up those kind of numbers.  I guarantee you that finished gasoline is moving by train, barge and ship to where ever it can be sold for the highest price.  Roughly speaking- North America is temporarily missing 1/4 of it's refining capacity.  You better hope that there was no serious damage around Houston, or you will see $2.00/ litre gas by the end of the month.

You want to blame some one for this?  Blame all of the NIMBYs who have not allowed a new refinery to be built anywhere in North America in the last two decades.  Blame the global warming crowd- who in their right mind would spend a Billion dollars (or more) of shareholder money on a new refinery (assuming permits could be pried loose from a government) only to get hammered with a carbon tax?

Please note that date on this article...how many time have gas prices gone up since then??

Get real.  That examle isn't even close to what the oil/gas companies are doing.  You're suggesting they are losing money??


It is precisely a close example.  What you and many others advocate is having the Government CONFISCATE THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS, that is to say the profits that shareholders would otherwise make, just because you don't like the price.  Anytime you advocate the Government regulate a price on anything, you had better consider the second and third order effects.  And I am not suggesting that Oil Companies are losing money.  In fact, I like that they are making money, because I am making money through my Mutual Funds.  I wish I owned more Energy Funds...

Don't like the price- don't buy the gas.  Enough people do that- the price will fall.
Let's face it:

Being a major Gas/Oil Company in Canada is just a license to steal. When Canada purchased the fore-runners of Petrocan several years ago the government at that time stated that the purchase was to ensure that the government had some influence into gas prices. I don't Know how it is in your areas but Petrocan in MY Area is always the first to raise prices and the last to lower them.

If you happen to watch the Hands in Your Pocket" commercial on TV, it should appear to you that it's not ONLY the Banks that have their hands in your pocket!
