TCBF said:
- Has anyone else noticed that since the step of "Issue Warning Order" was moved from before "Receive Orders" to after "Receive Orders" , we now scramble like mad, all the while wondering who stole our battle procedure time? Hard to get a jump on preparing when your boss is off to orders and leaves you without a warning order. Preparatory moves, anyone? How about mission specific equipment?
Good point. I think that this happened when we adopted the US Army Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) and renamed it the Operational Planning Process (OPP). The placement of the Wng O in Troop Leading Procedures was the first thing I noticed when I was on course with the US Army.
I think that Canada could have left lower-level battle procedure alone (Cbt Tm and below). I still issue a Wng O before I go to orders. I then change it/add to it later on in my BP as before.
I will try to give an example of a detailed time estimate for a 12 hour period. It is intended to be illustrative, not authoritative! Lets say you are an RRB detachment commander. For laughs, you have an LSVW CP/RRB thingie and a LUVW. You were issued orders at 0800 hrs and it is now 0845 hrs. You were tasked with establishing an RRB site at an area Grid to support operations. You need to have your RRB established at 1400 hrs and operate it until 1800 hrs. There is a NMB of 1200 hrs, but forward recces are permitted. Your Mission Analysis is done and you have a kicking mission statement and a list of tasks that need to get done along with some constraints. The first paragraph of your orders is almost ready. You are now starting your detailed time estimate.
Going with what Cdn Aviator said, I would start with 1400 hrs as my key timing. You can mess a ton of stuff up, but timings must be met.
a. RRB Established - 1400
Now you need to estimate how long it would take to set up that RRB. For shiggles, lets go with 30 minutes. I might then add 30 minutes of fudge time to allow for trouble shooting. Your experience will guide you here!
b. Begin RRB Set Up - 1300
Now you need to look at your map and figure out how long it will take to get there. From the distance on the map and the terrain compared to your mobility you guess that it will take 15 minutes. You decide to add five minutes of fudge time (could be more if the move will be at night etc) and another five minutes for getting the vehicle out of the hide
c. Depart Hide - 1235 hrs
Your guys will need to get the vehicle ready, their pers kit ready and do things like eat. A good Warning Order might have taken care of this, but lets say that you figure it will take one hour after orders to get everything ready.
d. Orders End - 1130 hrs
Based on prior O Gps for similar operations you estimate that it will take 30 minutes to issue orders to include questions.
e. Orders Start - 1100 hrs (this will go in the Wng O)
You need to write orders in order to give them. In the past it has taken you 30 minutes to write them out for similar tasks.
f. Begin Orders Prep - 1030 hrs
You need a plan in order to write orders, and your Recce will give you this. You look at the map and any constraints and need to decide if you will conduct a recce on the ground or off the map. Since you have a LUVW, you haven't been up to the area grid for the RRB before, recce is permitted you do a quick budget (30 minutes transit and 30 minutes on site) and decide to conduct a Recce. Alternatively, you might have to do this on the map. Going there means that you can find a good spot on the ground, and are less likely to get lost later on. You could also have to do a prelim move closer to the site if a recce was not possible.
g. Depart Recce Locn to return to hide - 1015 hrs
h. At Recce Locn - 0945
i. Leave Hide for Recce - 0930
You will need a Recce Plan. This might take ten minutes.
j. Recce Plan Start - 0920
You need to issue the Wng O (you are on course and have to follow the steps). You have your orders time and location, you know your mission and know the things that need to get done first. This might take ten minutes to prepare and five to issue.
k. Issue Wng O - 0915
l. Begin Wng O Prep - 0905
You look at your watch and
it is already 0858 hrs. You wrap up your time estimate and detailed map study.
Again, this is just a quick illustration and not a template!