Not just Canadian politics, but politics in general.
Well, here is a fair warning for all to heed. I am just a crazy old country farmer retired infantry WO who is grumpy and pisses people off, so take it for what it is worth.
Keep on Canada-ing with our politics (image not results based), if specifically this clown show keeps going, forget the trucker convoy being "an existential threat" to the safety of our nation (it never was). I predict something far, far worse will happen. Especially with Trump and his tariffs (thats just a start, folks) driving Canada into absolute economic destruction (which destroys the nation as a whole). All I hear from the LPC and the NDP is constant bitching about Trump. Pierre has stated publicly he will put Canada first, Canada will NEVER be an American state and he will work with Trump to secure our border and nation (He is right, Trump asking us to basically protect ourselves, sad that a few of you can't see that logic).
Keeping the LPC in power longer than spring is the REAL existential threat to our nation. Some of you will think I am wild and right out of 'er but ask yourself what does it look when Canada doesn't exist? Maybe it is 3 or 4 different nations in a year or five? Or maybe some parts of it are states in the USA and some are independent nations? Real shitty scenarios.
If you took a snapshot of Canada today and magically went back to 2015 election and showed Canadians concincly the results, TRudeau and his Liberals would NEVER have gotten in. Nope. Notta. You can't say the same of Harper, Martin, Chretien and Mulroney.
Now time to piss people off (I am good at that, I was hated as an Infantry course section instructor at Meaford), I call spades spades. I point out obvious flaws where I see them.
@Retired AF Guy next comment is not aimed at you.
For all the people with some very hopeful stretches of thought that we "somehow" won't get an election early, I think your wrong. Its an opinion not fact. My opinion is your wrong. If you end up being correct, so be it but then Canada will have suffered even more. So I say, get used to it, Trudeau is going out and Poilievre is coming in, most likely sooner rather than later.