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27 Aug 12: LGEN Thomas Lawson named C.D.S.


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Well, it seem's the speculation is done.  Any confirmation elsewhere ?


Edited to add official PMO announcement:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced that Lieutenant-General Thomas J. Lawson, currently Deputy Commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), will be appointed Chief of the Defence Staff, and promoted to the rank of General. The change of command ceremony will take place in the coming weeks.
"Lieutenant-General Lawson is the right leader for the Canadian Armed Forces and will bring a clear vision and strong values to the role," said Prime Minister Harper.  "His experience, team-building skills and collaborative approach will help position the Canadian Armed Forces for the future."

Following his graduation from the Royal Military College in 1979, Lieutenant-General Lawson’s distinguished career in the Royal Canadian Air Force included postings to Baden, Germany, Montgomery, Alabama, and Cold Lake, Alberta.  In 1998, he was appointed Commanding Officer of 412 Squadron, and later took charge of career management for the Air Force.  Promoted to Colonel in 2003, Lieutenant-General Lawson held various positions with the Air Force before joining the Canadian Forces Transformation Team in 2005 and leading the establishment of the Strategic Joint Staff.  In 2006, he completed a year in command of Canadian Forces Base Trenton before being promoted to Brigadier-General in 2007 and appointed Commandant of the Royal Military College.  In 2009, he was promoted to Major-General and became Assistant Chief of the Air Staff.  Lieutenant-General Lawson assumed his current position as Deputy Commander of NORAD in July 2011.

The Prime Minister took the opportunity to thank General Walter J. Natynczyk for his exemplary leadership as the Chief of the Defence Staff since July 2008 and wished him all the very best in his future endeavours.

FusMR said:
Well, it seem's the speculation is done.  Any confirmation elsewhere ?

Here it is from The Canadian Press, en anglais:
Lieutenant-General Thomas Lawson has been named as Canada’s next new chief of the defence staff, the country’s top military post.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper says Lt.-Gen. Lawson, the current deputy commander of NORAD — the North American Aerospace Defense Command — will formally succeed General Walt Natynczyk within weeks.

Lt.-Gen. Lawson is an air force officer and one-time commander of the Royal Military College.

He graduated from the college in 1979 and also commanded an air squadron and Canadian Forces Base Trenton during his career.

He became deputy commander at NORAD in July 2011 ....

From the Info-machine bio:
Lieutenant-General Thomas J. Lawson is the Deputy Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command, Peterson AFB, Colorado.
LGen Lawson graduated from the Royal Military College (RMC) of Canada with a Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1979. He completed wings and fighter training and was posted to 421 Squadron in Baden, Germany, in 1981, where he flew the CF-104 Starfighters. Back in Canada in 1985, he completed a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering with RMC and served as a professor.

Promoted to Major in 1988, LGen Lawson was posted to Montgomery, Alabama, to attend the USAF Staff College. During that time, he also completed a Master's Degree in Public Administration at Auburn University.

Posted to Cold Lake in 1991, LGen Lawson completed CF-18 Hornet training and then returned to CFB Baden to fly operationally with 421 and 439 Squadrons. Upon closure of Baden, he was posted to Cold Lake and was assigned to 410 Squadron in charge of the Fighter Weapons Instructor School.

In 1996, LGen Lawson was promoted to LCol and posted to Ottawa as a career manager. In 1998, he was appointed CO of 412 Squadron where he flew the Challenger until 2000. Following this command, he was placed in charge of the career management for the Air Force, at which time he also completed the USAF Air War College Program.

Promoted Colonel in 2003, LGen Lawson held various staff positions with the Air Force before joining the CF Transformation Team in 2005 and leading the stand up of the Strategic Joint Staff. Posted to 8 Wing in 2006, he completed a year in command of CFB Trenton before being promoted to BGen in May 2007 and appointed Commandant of RMC.

In 2009, he was promoted to MGen and appointed Assistant Chief of the Air Staff. In July 2011, he was promoted to his current rank and appointed Deputy Commander NORAD.
"Lieutenant-General Tom Lawson enrolled in 1975 and graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada with a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1979. He completed wings and fighter training and was posted to 421 Squadron in Baden, Germany, in 1981. There he flew CF-104 Starfighters. He arrived at RMC in 1985 to complete a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering and serve as a lecturer on the Electrical Engineering staff."

Great news for the CF 35 program.  A fighter jock with the brains and background to understand the game changer the electronics in the F 35 means and not get hung up the whole stealth thingy.

Congratulations sir.
Why is everyone just quoting snippets from news articles?

Just goes to show you can't believe what you read in the media, with all the talk about it "being the Navy's turn"
opcougar said:
Why is everyone just quoting snippets from news articles?

Just goes to show you can't believe what you read in the media, with all the talk about it "being the Navy's turn"

Take away the F-35 circus(and maybe the Cyclone) and I bet dollars to doughnuts it would have been the RCN running the show.
Trunk Monkey said:
Take away the F-35 circus(and maybe the Cyclone) and I bet dollars to doughnuts it would have been the RCN running the show.

The government is seeking a team of outsiders (accountants, probably) to evaluate the next fighter options, including the F-35. The military's views are, already well known. The outsiders' task is to select the "best" choice ... for the country government.

The CDS must, now, manage the forces he has, and accomplish the tasks assigned by the government; unless there is a new operational mission that will mean doing more about the same as now, with less.
Congratuations to the new CDS.  I hope he has a good time of it when he gets his fourth leaf.
Simian Turner said:
Take a about a career with a jet-pack - 9 years from promotion to Col to CDS.

At the LCol level he was considering calling it quits, getting his PhD and settling down as an electrical engineering professor.  Some people convinced him to give being a general officer a shot and looks like the decision served him well.

He is still a legend at RMC and I'm sure will be a fantastic CDS.
E.R. Campbell said:
The government is seeking a team of outsiders (accountants, probably) to evaluate the next fighter options, including the F-35. The military's views are, already well known. The outsiders' task is to select the "best" choice ... for the country government.
On that very point....
Minutes after being introduced as Canada’s next top soldier by Defence Minister Peter MacKay on Parliament Hill on Monday morning, Lt.-Gen. Tom Lawson found himself facing questions about his previous support for the F-35 stealth fighter.

“The greater question is the government’s focus on ensuring that the Canadians have combat-capable platforms for the air force, for the navy and for the army,” Lawson, a former fighter pilot, said when asked his position now.

“We will continue to take our lead on the F-35 from the government.”

Lawson has previously been a strong proponent of the stealth fighter, which has been plagued with controversy and exploded into a full-fledged crisis for the government following the release of a scathing auditor-general’s report in April.

When pressed on whether he would recommend the $25-billion aircraft as a replacement for Canada’s ageing fleet of CF-18s, Lawson replied: “The F-35 is a program that’s hitting milestones and doing quite well. It will continue to contend for the replacement of the CF-18.” ....
Postmedia News, 27 Aug 12
.... from the DND Info-machine (did someone miss a sentence or two at the front end?) - also attached if  link doesn't work
He is a great officer and gentleman who will continue to lead the men and women of the Canadian Forces with distinction.

I know he will enjoy the support of great Generals, Admirals, Officers, and equally, all the ranks, through to the most junior privates and ordinary seamen.

Over the coming days, we will set the time line and process of transferring the responsibilities of my office to General Lawson. Formal arrangements for a change of command ceremony will be communicated in due course.

It is an honour to serve Canada, the men and women in uniform and their families and to make a contribution for peace and security. I will continue to serve until I have transferred my duties to General Lawson.

W.J. Natynczyk
Chief of the Defence Staff
Promoted to Colonel in 2003, Lieutenant-General Lawson held various positions with the Air Force before joining the Canadian Forces Transformation Team in 2005 and leading the establishment of the Strategic Joint Staff.  In 2006, he completed a year in command of Canadian Forces Base Trenton before being promoted to Brigadier-General in 2007 and appointed Commandant of the Royal Military College.  In 2009, he was promoted to Major-General and became Assistant Chief of the Air Staff.  Lieutenant-General Lawson assumed his current position as Deputy Commander of NORAD in July 2011.

Is it not a rapid rise in 9 years to go from Colonel in 2003 to General in 2012?
GAP said:
Is it not a rapid rise in 9 years to go from Colonel in 2003 to General in 2012?

Probably the perfect definition of a streamer.
GAP said:
Is it not a rapid rise in 9 years to go from Colonel in 2003 to General in 2012?

Maybe, but in this climate reaching the end phase of the babyboomer generation more people are retiring thus opening the field.  he's obviously competent and when you factor those he may have surpassed, people retiring or leaving the CF it isn't that difficult to see.
milnews.ca said:
.... from the DND Info-machine (did someone miss a sentence or two at the front end?) - also attached if  link doesn't work
It appears they did - the full statement here:
General Walt Natynczyk, Chief of the Defence Staff, issued the following statement today:

I wish to congratulate Tom Lawson on his upcoming appointment to suceed me as your Chief of Defence Staff.

He is a great officer and gentleman who will continue to lead the men and women of the Canadian Forces with distinction.

I know he will enjoy the support of great Generals, Admirals, Officers, and equally, all the ranks, through to the most junior privates and ordinary seamen.

Over the coming days, we will set the time line and process of transferring the responsibilities of my office to General Lawson. Formal arrangements for a change of command ceremony will be communicated in due course.

It is an honour to serve Canada, the men and women in uniform and their families and to make a contribution for peace and security. I will continue to serve until I have transferred my duties to General Lawson.

W.J. Natynczyk
Chief of the Defence Staff
Also attached in case link doesn't work.
Spring_bok said:
Does anyone know how old Gen Lawson is?

I haven't seen anything (yet) with his birthdate on it.  But given that he enrolled in 1975, one could assume that it was at age 18 and therefore figure that he is currently 55-ish.
I suppose operational experience isn't a factor for selection at that level?
DirtyDog said:
I suppose operational experience isn't a factor for selection at that level?

What types of operations?  NORAD flies operational missions every day.