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3 Fld Sqn (1 CER)

459 F_______  P. E. said:
JackD,  do you of a (certain) Cpl Chumley?


The one and only!!!!!!! But if memory serves it was M/Cpl Chumley the last I heard...... Unless of course Jack was promoted again........ ;D
well i'm serving with 3fld sqn now..the reserve force...actually I believe its called 33 CER now  :cdn:
The 3 Fld refered to here, became 1 CER based in Chilliwack........

Rodahn said:
The 3 Fld refered to here, became 1 CER based in Chilliwack........


Then they moved to Edmonton with the closure of CFB Chiliwack.
Chumely... that guy out-promoted me - i never got past Corporal - although in a dirty bit of dealings i was offered a Sargeant's rank if I signed a paper saying I  would not speak of something that occurred  - which is why I turned my back on the military - I don't like being bribed..... yes, ol' Chumely - I wonder what he's doing now? Gate guardian in Chilliwack? Deputy director of NATO? Base Sargeant-Major CFB Heaven?
JackD, correct me if I'm wrong,  Cpl Chumley has\d a shady history.  Went AWOL in Wainwright,  RHQ put out over the radio a look out for Cpl Chumley.

Caught the CO's attention
on a room inspection in Carpiquet Barracks with his small bed and shoes carefully placed along side.

Cpl Chumley was lucky just to see two stripes.


459 F_______  P. E. said:
JackD, correct me if I'm wrong,  Cpl Chumley has\d a shady history.  Went AWOL in Wainwright,  RHQ put out over the radio a look out for Cpl Chumley.

Caught the CO's attention
on a room inspection in Carpiquet Barracks with his small bed and shoes carefully placed along side.

Cpl Chumley was lucky just to see two stripes.



Yeah, but for some reason he always seemd to out rank Jack..... Methinks it stems from being known back in those days.... (Hey I've heard of this guy, let's promote him!!!!) (At the promotion boards)  ;D
You don't know what it is like to be outpromoted by an aardvark... it just... well, it just.... destroys your self-confidence... Eventually you start to believe that you can no longer do anything useful so you become a teacher...
Jack, Jack, Jack,

Ok, let's jog the memory.    On exercise in Wainwright, we're out building a defensive position with low wire entanglements (I think) and the Brigade Commander is cruising by in his helicopter, didn't you flag him down and he actually landed while the rest of us scurried off to our holes.

Didn't you have a little chat with the big guy?

errrr... yes.... you see he and the brigade RSM at the time had been my uncle's troop commander and section commander (RCD) way back in the 50's - he was a well-known character (Clifford Dunster)... That's why on those inspections at the time I'd be standing there for 20 minutes stone-cold rigid  chatting with those two - or them to me - while the rest of you sort of hung-around waiting. Actually, the best time I had with a higher-up was the year I left the army - I worked a stint as the clerk for the promotions board and some twit of an RSM - the 1CER one at the time (1985) - kept saying how he wanted me in his regiment to make a man out of me...He damned near pissed his pants when the chief Engineer walked in and shook my hand and called me Jack - he'd been the project officer for OP Treller in Alert in 1976 - we even went for lunch - which pissed off the commanding officers  ;D.
JackD said:
Chumely... that guy out-promoted me - i never got past Corporal - although in a dirty bit of dealings i was offered a Sargeant's rank if I signed a paper saying I  would not speak of something that occurred  - which is why I turned my back on the military - I don't like being bribed..... yes, ol' Chumely - I wonder what he's doing now? Gate guardian in Chilliwack? Deputy director of NATO? Base Sargeant-Major CFB Heaven?


Jack remember when Chumely got you C.B.'d ?
I was on my Mo 6A course and was coming back from the mess hall and there was Jack leaning out his room window and there on the grass was
all of Chumely's belonging's,fave. poster,runner's,bed etc.
So I asked Jack what was up?
His quote " The b!2t45d got me C.B.'d"

Jack what did he do to get you C.B.'d you never did say?

Gosh i can't remember - oh yes, stealing my shoes - I went to the mess wearing slippers, got tossed out, went to the movies, got tossed out said 'f... this" walked away. Unfortunately, the drunken b.. on duty (the summer of the beer strike - the night of the one shipment from Alberta) thought i said 'f,.... -you' and so, 14 days CB. Originally it was - believe it or not - 40 days in Edmonton, but apparently the twit of an officer was gently reminded that he didn't have the authority to do that. Mind you, the drunken b.... had such a convincing argument "i tried.. sniff..sniff to reason with him, but he was so..sniff.sniff abusive..." The guy was weaving, stumbling drunk swearing and cursing... . My colleague was nice enough to give him my name and even spelt it out for him.. would have probably helped him write it down too. Argh! i should have got Chumely to do the parade square stuff (The damned shoes showed up later that night). The MP Shack was so clean at that time i was reduced to making palm prints on the walls in order to wash them off. By the way, whose marijuana was growing in the MP shack's front garden?
hmmm, and the MP sargeant was so proud of his garden, watering it everyday, having the defaulters weed it....  ;D
JackD said:
hmmm, and the MP sargeant was so proud of his garden, watering it everyday, having the defaulters weed it....  ;D

Defaulters were weeding the weed patch??????
Obviously, you were not wearing your military issued slippers, OD slipper x 2 with anti slip soul.

well..ummm.. i did paint them three-tone camouflage.. the gentleman concerned being a navy plug, it didn't work...
Yup Jack it was the year of the BIG BEER strike and that is when when (no name,no pack drill) mo M/Cpl Friend of mine (instructor on mo gmt course)took a DND 1 Ton across to Sumas and tried to come back with a load of beer and got caught.
DND vehicle impounded along with all the ale.

Jack here's another.

Remember when the Sqn built that trench system on the west side of Battle River and each section was given x amount of ant tank mine's and during the Ex got to blow them and after you and I were given the task of filling in the mini mine crater's?

I was just plodding along filling all in when I hear this below " Dunster what the F'k are you doing?"
I looked around there was you  just finished sprinkling flower seed's on the hole you just filled in and planting a marker with the seed package I broke up and got in shit to.  ;D

Who was that anti green person?