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3 Fld Sqn (1 CER)

Spr.Earl said:
Old gray matter just kicked in
Was he the W.O. who was charged along with a Cpt. with negligent homicide when a young lad was electrucuted in Zygon a few years ago?The W.O.'s name was Gordon if I remember correctly.

That would be him.
Spr.Earl said:
Old gray matter just kicked in
Was he the W.O. who was charged along with a Cpt. with negligent homicide when a young lad was electrucuted in Zygon a few years ago?The W.O.'s name was Gordon if I remember correctly.

What on earth was he doing in Zygon?????


....sorry...I couldn't resist ;D
Towards_the_gap said:
What on earth was he doing in Zygon?????


....sorry...I couldn't resist ;D

How else do you think he got the nickname "Flash"???
Kat Stevens said:
That would be him.
I remember the Officers name now it was Ives,he was RSSO at 6Fd back in the mid 90's.

Kat do you know what Gordon got?

I remember one Wain. Con Gordon put on a show of German porn when half way through black out!!! :o

Bumie Barant decided to do an oil change on the main gen. set and for miles you could hear only one loud word
Those were Pinky Richardson's films, and Bummy refused to turn the juice back on until the movies were gone.  That was the night of the Big Blow, and all the marquis tents blew down.
Kat Stevens said:
Those were Pinky Richardson's films, and Bummy refused to turn the juice back on until the movies were gone.  That was the night of the Big Blow, and all the marquis tents blew down.
Kat my post is circa 77/78 what circa was your black out?
I worked for Bummy on advance party setting up the leckie for our whole camp a few times and ended up with the nick name
" Bummies Bum Boy" ;D.

Lorne was a hard worker but a pain in the arse as there was only one way and it was his way even the C.O, and Sgt Maj. didn't fk' with him.
Nothing worse than a reformed boozer who has found God especialy when the boy's whant to watch some skin flick's. ::) ;D
WainCon 80 was the Night of the Big Blowdown, and Pinky's Porn Extravaganza.
Spr.Earl said:
Kat my post is circa 77/78 what circa was your black out?
I worked for Bummy on advance party setting up the leckie for our whole camp a few times and ended up with the nick name
" Bummies Bum Boy" ;D.

Lorne was a hard worker but a pain in the arse as there was only one way and it was his way even the C.O, and Sgt Maj. didn't fk' with him.
Nothing worse than a reformed boozer who has found God especialy when the boy's whant to watch some skin flick's. ::) ;D

I remember that one like it was yesterday.... Sort of.... That was also the start of the annual swine fest put on by the officers if I'm not mistaken....
I remember those swine-fests - catching people for extra duties to dig those barbeque pits, to chop the wood etc.. What they never saw of course was the fellahs lined up pissing on the pork before the baskets were covered up to roast..
Didn't Storeman Norman earn a commendation one year for putting out the brushfire from that little event?
A commendation, and third degree burns to a good portion of his bod when the fire blew back on his dozer.
Hey! Neat! I was one troop storeman for that trip. While there, some idiot sargeant decided to borrow my stores trailor - dumping the live ammunition in it with the blank ammunition in the back of the truck - so i had to re-sort it all - and check thoroughly that i didn't have any live ammo mixed with the blank - caught hell for delaying some exercise and caught hell for what i said to this sargeant. Coming home had a guy who couldn't drive with me. Had all sort of crap in the gas tank so had to stop every 40 klicks to clean the filters.. Pulled out once on the highway and hit a box of nails some truck had lost - had to beg for any spare tire anyone had. Spent overnight fixing flats and then returning spares.. and drove the rest of the way down the canyon the next day - semiconscious. Safety? What the Hell is that?
I wasn't on that Waincon, but I do recognize some of the bubbleheads in the photo's.....
OK folks, here's todays quiz:

In the following incident who got charged?

SGT MAJOR, march in the prisoner.

Yes SIR.

Prisoner and escort, AHH - TEN-- CHAA.



left ...right .... left .... right ....left

right wheel .....

left ... right .... left

left wheel

Prisoner and escort Mark time.

Prisoner and escort ....HALT.

Here's the scene, the prisoner has been returned to his unit after being AWOL in Maui in the Hawain Islands.

After a short discourse, the prisoner offers the CO a gift from afar, a T-shirt with the logo, "here today gone to Maui ".

Somebody probably laughed.

Anybody know who got charged and what he got?
It was one of two guys who both listened to waay too much Jimmie Buffett.
There was one tall diver guy that came to 2CER that was telling a story about taking a flight from Comox to Hawaii and sending the RSM (at 1CER) a postcard... "Wish you were here..."

That's right. Theo was a cool guy - pretty relaxed - at least while I knew him. He seemed to like to piss off the RSMs for some reason.
I spent some kitchen duty with him (not as much as him) in Wainwright, RV 89 for getting an ML and looking for the nurses college in Vermillion. No finding the nurses some of the guys picked up fights and we ended up returning with some patio furniture from one of the bars. Next morning it was neatly set up in 2Tp lines. Duguid was just hovering with all the steam blowing out of him. Lucky for us Doug Foreman was the CO and he just had a laugh.

Last I heard of Theo was that he was working in commercial diving in BC somewhere.
