I agree with this initiative for all the reasons Mark C has so eloquently outlined and I will field another:
I have worn the maroon beret for 15 yrs uninterrupted service as a designated/hard para position. There is a big difference between a parachutist and a paratrooper. Unfortunately, sometimes the Para Coys end up with parachutists posing as paratroopers. How do you tell the difference you ask? Have two VOLUNTARY jumps on a weekend, the first a bare-ass ramp jump, the second a night full eqpt jump from 1000ft. Then check the manifests to see:
1. Who didn't show at all
2. Who jumped bare ass only
3. Who your paratroopers are.
When I was UEO of the Bn I actually had Paratroopers, JMs, and PIs within the unit try to tell me they wouldn't do their jobs because they weren't collecting designated para allowance. I just couldn't understand that mentality.
In my current job I am wearing a green beret and I am no longer collecting $300 a month in para allowance. Does this change the essence of what I am? NO FUCKING WAY :threat:
Take away the berets, para allowance, and any of the other superfluous trappings and all you'll be left with is the dedicated and hard core life takers, heart breakers, and soul stealers. :threat:
IMHO we still need the capability and we still need these like-minded troops grouped together to foster a superior work ethic and dynamic.
Give them any beret you want, call them anything you want, just don't call them too late for the fight